A World at home, a guarantee of success for the hosts

Un Mundial en casa, una garantía de éxito para los anfitriones

Last update 31 March, 2014 por Julio Muñoz

Playing a World Cup at home is usually synonymous with success. Not always, but almost always. That is what is extracted from 19 hitherto disputed editions of the World Cup. The public, the pressure to which the referee is subjected and a myriad of factors make playing at home generally a plus that helps win games and tournaments.

De las 19 editions now disputed in the 83 years of life of the World Cup, in six the champion was the local team or team. Uruguay, Italia, Inglaterra, Germany, France and Argentina once took advantage of the local factor to impose their superiority. En algunas ocasiones, even starring in blatant arbitration scandals.

Lalas lideró a Estados Unidos en 1994 hacía los octavos donde caería con Brasil.
Lalas led the United States in 1994 I made the eighth where I would fall with Brazil.

A revealing fact that is complemented by other more overwhelming. Only South Africa fell in a first phase in all disputed editions acting as host and in 11 de las 19 editions the local team was planted among the first four. Even teams with little football background such as the United States or Japan had to speak as locals by accessing the second round. Only Spain in 1982 gave a tone well below expectations based on its potential.

For FIFA that the host goes far is important. Undoubtedly brings more benefits to the tournament, the public turns more and the show is assured. The next edition as everyone knows will be held in Brazil, like in 1950. On that occasion, the canarinha reached the final, but he fell unexpectedly against Uruguay, making Maracaná and the local condition a handicap.

Brasil no hizo valer su condición de anfitrión en 1950.
Brazil did not assert its host status in 1950.

En 2014 they have a good way to make up. Statistics are in your favor and so is history. Sin embargo, 31 teams will try to avoid the crowning of a local champion in a continent where curiously only South Americans have won since the World Cup.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in Colgadosporelfutbol.com and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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