Valencia 1- Bayern 1:tie and both qualified for second round

Last update 21 November, 2012 por Julio Muñoz

Valencia and Bayern Munich tied at one goal in a spectacular match between the Spanish team, who despite playing outnumbered for more than an hour not only stood up to the European runners-up, but he was able to take the victory that would have guaranteed him the leadership of the group. Valencia jumped onto the pitch knowing that they already had a place in the round of 16 in their pocket., after BATE's defeat against Lille, and proposed a serious meeting, of a lot of containment, ceding dominance to Bayern, who needed a point to secure classification.

The defensive solidity that Valencia has suffered so much from in recent years reappeared in Mestalla, with very serious work from the centrals, and constant help among the band men, which left very few spaces for the Bavarian team. The German team had control but did no harm to Valencia, that did not create danger either, and the first chance came from a corner kick that Dante headed in and Guaita showed off with a good hand..

El Valencia, which had not worried Neuer in the least, was able to score on his first serious approach, after a play in Soldado's area in which the ball fell rejected to Feghouli and the Algerian took out the toe of his left boot so that the German international goalkeeper saved his team with a great intervention. The game went uphill for the locals, when after half an hour, Barragan, that he was already reprimanded, He did not measure his entry to Alaba and saw the direct red, leaving his team inferior in an absurd action.

Although Pizarro tested Guaita's reflexes with a shot from outside the area, The truth is that Valencia played better with ten and even had more offensive presence in the final minutes of the first period. In resuming, Pellegrino did not move the bench given the good feelings offered by his team. Bayern increased their dominance but their maneuvers were too elaborate and without great speed, which made it easier for Valencia to successfully contain the German attacks.

Not only did Valencia defend well, but he also did not give up the attack and in the minute 62 Soldier had it, after a great assist from Tino Costa, but the international striker forgave what he doesn't usually forgive. Bayern had theirs in a shot from the newly released Mandzukic who headed the post. The Croatian gave greater bite to the German attack, but Valencia was still superb and ten minutes from the end Feghouli made a spectacular play and scored the 1-0.

The Algerian international recovered the ball in the three-quarter zone and after dodging two opponents he shot and his shot, after hitting Dante's hand, It lodged in the back of Neuer's goal. In full local euphoria, Bayern tied immediately, after a cross from Lahm's wing, that two forwards let pass and Muller, on the second stick, scored the equalizer.
The last minutes were beautiful. The two teams sought victory without reservations but the scoreboard no longer moved and both teams left Mestalla classified for the round of 16 and with the lead to be decided on the last day.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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