Willy Caballero, the best goalkeeper in the world

Willy Caballero, el mejor portero del mundo
Willy Caballero, the best goalkeeper in the world

Last update 10 May, 2013 por Julio Muñoz

While the soccer world remains in suspense about what will happen in the Real Madrid goal, on whether Iker Casillas will return to ownership or will it be Diego López, a man keeps showing week by week, party to party, que hoy por hoy, he is the best goalkeeper in the world: Wilfredo Caballero.

This Argentine from 31 years belonging to Malaga has had a glorious season, improving the benefits of the previous season where he achieved an unbeatable streak of 479 minutes without conceding a single goal. Reflexes typical of a feline, agility, extraordinary in hand to hand and a more than remarkable footwork, the Argentine is right now above archers of the level of Victor Valdés, Gianluigi Buffon or the aforementioned Casillas.

Quizás, playing in a team not under the name of Madrid or Barcelona is hurting your recognition, but this man who has had difficult moments in his career (your daughter's illness) and others more pleasant (Olympic champion in Athens 2004) is in a position to mark an era and become one of the best goalkeepers in all of Argentina.

If against Borussia Dortmund it was key that the Andalusian team had options until the last moment, against Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo knew what it was like to have the best goalkeeper on the other side, the one who also begins to implant stage fright. So is , Willy Caballero.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in Colgadosporelfutbol.com and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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