Barca future star of the mud of the Second B

De futura estrella del Barça al barro de la Segunda B
Dongou in his presentation as a player of Lleida. FOTO: Twitter / Lleida_Esportiu

Last update 8 February, 2019 por Alberto Llopis

Hace muy poco tiempo future star was going to Barca but for now his career is totally opposite way. Raised in the Masia, Jean Marie Dongou tries to fight in the mud of the Second B to find the path that leads at least to professional football elite. The former FC Barcelona tries in the ranks of Lleida in the bronze category of Spanish football on loan from Lugo.

Jewel of the quarry to a career in the league 123

Nacido en 1995, Dongou reached the quarry Barca 2008 con 13 años and moved up on school teams to reach the Barcelona B where the season 2014-15 frame 11 goles in the silver category. Sin embargo, far from being a springboard up his career has been declining.

The following year he went to Royal Zaragoza, then toNàstic de Tarragona and later to Lugo, where he participated in 12 League matches and 2 Cup before being loaned to Lleida Second B. Now back in Catalonia and their 23, Dongo It has the challenge of trying to engage the elite professional football to not end up like other players who were going to star but ended estrellados




Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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