Brazil of 70, one of the best ever

Brasil del 70, una de las mejores de siempre

Last update 4 December, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

Hanging by the Football presents uno de los mejores equipos de la historia del balompie: la Brasil del 70. The powerful Brazilian team led by Pelé to conquer Mexico in the World Cup that year his third world championship with a spectacular game full of talent and creativity, he has used to be considered one of the paradigms “Beautiful game“.

La Brasil del 70, a total team

A unique selection composed of men Rivellino (extraordinary southpaw with a capacity for huge pass), Gershon (competitive and talented at once), Tostao (the technician and the ball wizard), Jairzinho (the arrival on the second line par excellence), Charles Albert (possibly one of the best right-backs in history) o Skin. All of them, directed on the bench for Mario “Lobo” Zagallo who have passed into history as the only country to win every game both qualifying and the finals of a World Cup. And also, all with their own style.

Carlos Alberto fue el motor del Brasil de 1970.
Carlos Alberto was the engine of Brazil 1970. FOTO: Google

And it is that he Brazil World 70 I had already warned before arriving at World Mexico 1970 what were your intentions. An impeccable group stage in South America with six wins in as many games, y 23 goals for and two against and gave imagine what was to come in the global showpiece.

Joao Saldanha, the man who started the Brazil of 70

The origin of this spectacular approach however be attributed to the coach Joao Saldanha, that legendary journalist-coach of Botafogo creator of this primoroso football coach during the qualifying. A man disputes with Havelange and Pele (who came to accuse myopic) They deprived him of going to Mexico as a coach of one of the largest selections of all time.

frolic, with five midfielders playing the role of the '10’ walking with freedom of movement and alternating positions, without a 9 pure and offensive side that reached up very easily. They were the hallmarks of this perfect selection. The ball, speed and touch were combined into one to make a match a work of art with the Brazil t-shirt 70.

Sin embargo, if spectacular was the pre-World, not least would be the appointment in the Aztec country. With the present color television for the first time in a World Cup and a ball created for the occasion (the famous Adidas Telstar), Brazil dazzled.

Brasil del 70 practicó un fútbol total.
Brazil of 70 we performed a total football. FOTO: Google

Fitted in the first round in group C, la “canarinha” He had no trouble dispatching Czechoslovakia in the first game by a convincing 4-1. A volley goal from Pelé for posterity and a midfield shot that almost came in from the 10 Brazil already announced what was to come in the championship.

They left many powerful teams along the way

England Sir Bobby Charlton Defending champion and then, was the victim in the second game to fall 1-0. Romania completed the full of victories against falling Brazilian Pele and company for 3-2, another big party or “Rei” marking a doublet.

Pelé puso el gran colofón a su carrera con el Mundial de 1970.
Pele put the great climax to his career with the World 1970.

In the quarterfinals, Peru was the Great Teofilo Cubillas, which it fell by a rambunctious 4-2 and the semifinals Uruguay, the one that the game of Brazil suffered in another memorable exhibition of Beautiful game that ends with a 3-1 brasileño. This game, go down in history for that prodigious feinting Pelé dribble the goalkeeper without the ball finally did not enter but was christened “the goal of Pele”.

But the best, sin duda, come in the final, where Brazil would win his third World (and hence, the cup in property) by defeating Italy by Mazzola and Riva 4-1. In that match, Brazil show the world how to play football. Speed ​​ball, insuperable technical, and dream plays like the fourth of both Charles Albert, el “perfect goal”, in which almost the entire team participated, They marked before and after the football.

Who made up that Brazil of the 70? What players did you have??

1 Bandera de Brasil ARQ Félix† 32 years  Bandera de Brasil Fluminense
2 Bandera de Brasil DEF Brito 30 years  Bandera de Brasil Flamengo
3 Bandera de Brasil WITH Piazza 26 years  Bandera de Brasil cruise
4 Bandera de Brasil DEF Charles Albert† 25 years  Bandera de Brasil Santos Capitán
5 Bandera de Brasil WITH Clodoaldo 20 years  Bandera de Brasil Santos
6 Bandera de Brasil DEF Marco Antonio 19 years  Bandera de Brasil Fluminense
7 Bandera de Brasil WITH Jairzinho 25 years  Bandera de Brasil Botafogo
8 Bandera de Brasil WITH Gershon 29 years  Bandera de Brasil Sao Paulo
9 Bandera de Brasil DEL penny 23 years  Bandera de Brasil cruise
10 Bandera de Brasil DEL Skin† 29 years  Bandera de Brasil Santos
11 Bandera de Brasil WITH Rivellino 24 years  Bandera de Brasil Corinthians
12 Bandera de Brasil ARQ Ado 23 years  Bandera de Brasil Corinthians
13 Bandera de Brasil DEL Roberto 25 years  Bandera de Brasil Botafogo
14 Bandera de Brasil DEF Baldocchi 24 years  Bandera de Brasil Palm trees
15 Bandera de Brasil DEF Fontana† 29 years  Bandera de Brasil cruise
16 Bandera de Brasil DEF Everaldo† 25 years  Bandera de Brasil Grêmio
17 Bandera de Brasil DEF Joel† 23 years  Bandera de Brasil Santos
18 Bandera de Brasil WITH Paulo Cezar 20 years  Bandera de Brasil Botafogo
19 Bandera de Brasil DEL Edu 20 years  Bandera de Brasil Santos
20 Bandera de Brasil DEL Dario 24 years  Bandera de Brasil Atlético Mineiro
21 Bandera de Brasil DEF Ze Maria 21 years  Bandera de Brasil Portuguesa
22 Bandera de Brasil ARQ Lion 20 years  Bandera de Brasil Palm trees

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982


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