Thomas Gravesen, from ogre to billionaire in Las Vegas

Thomas Gravesen, de ogro a multimillonario en Las Vegas

Last update 2 June, 2020 por Alberto Llopis

Remember to Thomas Gravesen, that peculiar alopecian player nicknamed the Ogre?, well then, The former Danish Real Madrid player is now a billionaire businessman living in Las Vegas. What happened with that short technical player nicknamed “Shrek“?. What you have.

Thomas Gravesen, one of the worst signings in the history of Real Madrid

En 2005, Real Madrid acquired the services of this Danish player with a special character. With very little quality with the ball and a very, very characteristic appearance, the player became very famous among the Madrid fans after alternating excessive innings left over from momentum with plays impossible for him. Thanks to the program Canal + He was born the term of the “Gravesinha”, a type of forced and clumsy dribbling prompting laughter from the audience at the Bernabeu. Miracle knee was not broken, although the move was marked for history by the strange protagonist and the coverage that was given. No en balde, Danish became one of the worst signings in the history of Real Madrid.

En el verano del 2006, after having a big fight with Robinho, the eternal promise of football and that is possibly still traumatized after that disagreement, Danish was expelled from the concentration of Real Madrid by Fabio Capello, technician time, which ended his time at Real Madrid. Graves, he went to play Scotland where he continued his career with his peculiar, rocky at the same time as curious style of playing football.

From football fields to casinos

After a career divided between the Danish national team, Hamburgo, the same Real Madrid and two stages at Everton and Celtic Glasgow, el “0gro” what was he called, He retired with 32 years in 2009 and its existence nothing was known until a few years ago when he reappeared in Las Vegas 100 million euros and a beautiful Czech model in her arms. Being a Top Casino Games and sticking life father. Who could have said it.

Sources have, that everything was coarse and bizarre on the lawn, It was the opposite out of it. In a series of smart moves, made huge investments with the money he had earned in his playing (which it would not be little) coming so, to be an entrepreneur level and enjoy a huge fortune with his girlfriend, la modelo Kamila Fuck. He now lives between casinos (is Bovada Casino Legit) Certainly a curious guy with a curious history.

Gravessen se pega la vida padre en Las Vegas con su novia modelo.
Gravessen sticks the father lives in Las Vegas. FOTO: Brand

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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