Levante aficionado asks to his girlfriend at halftime of a game

Aficionado del Levante le pide matrimonio a su novia en el descanso de un partido
So he asked a fan of Levante marriage to his girlfriend, in front of 12.000 people and in the middle of a stadium. Foto: LaLiga123/twitter @LevanteUD

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Sábado 18 de febrero de 2017, Levante beats him 3-1 to Cordoba, wins his party number 18 de 26 and his march towards the First Division continues unstoppable and set the record for points in the category. Sin embargo, on this day hardly be forgotten by Tania and Miguel, granotas two fans.

Ran the rest, when under the guise of his birthday, Tania was taken to midfield before the astonished gaze of the stadium that could be seen in the foreground in the video scoreboard Stadium. At that moment he came on the scene her boyfriend Miguel to make a gift that will never forget.

He and a few friends, they organized a surprise that left agape , since each of them had a card that was unfolding one by one until read 'Marry me’. A marriage proposal that how could it be otherwise, I end with a 'Yes I want'. The city is on foot to applaud Pusó in pareja. And it is that even a football stadium is a good place to find love and if accompanied by goals, it's better.

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