All winners of the Champions League since its inception

Todos los ganadores de la Champions League desde su creación
Barthez with hair and pure Orejona raising the 93. It was the first Champions as such in history. Foto: Internet files

Last update 27 March, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

The European Cup was the top tournament par excellence of club football but the passing of time made the competition was reformed. A) Yes, en 1992, the old European Cup gave way to the new Champions League in the first of several reforms that would suffer the biggest clubs in the world championship. UEFA upheld tournaments European Cup for clubs won the competition to be an evolution of the same. For example Real Madrid sum 11 hasta el momento (6 European Cups + 5 Champions), the Barcelona 5 (1 Copa de Europa + 4 Champions) o el Milán 7 (4 European Cups + 3 Champions) among many other teams.

Sin embargo, In this article we are going to focus on who the winners of the Champions League since its inception in 1992 or rather from changing European Cup Champions League.

Todos los ganadores de la Champions hasta la actualidad

2023 Istanbul Manchester City Inter Milán 1-0
2022 Paris Real Madrid Liverpool 1-0
2021 Port Chelsea Manchester City 1-0
2020 Lisboa Bayern Múnich PSG 1-0
2019 Madrid Liverpool Tottenham 2-0
2018 Kiev Real Madrid Liverpool 3-1
2017 Cardiff Real Madrid Juventus 4-1
2016 Milán Real Madrid Atlético 1-1 (5-3)
2015 Berlín Barcelona Juventus 3-1
2014 Lisboa Real Madrid Atlético 4-1 (prórroga tras 1-1)
2013 London Bayern Múnich Dortmund 2-1
2012 Munich Chelsea Bayern Múnich 1-1 (4-3)
2011 London Barcelona Manchester United 3-1
2010 Madrid Inter de Milan Bayern Múnich 2-0
2009 Roma Barcelona Manchester U 2-0
2008 Moscow Manchester U. Chelsea 1-1 (6-5)
2007 Athens Milan Liverpool 2-1
2006 Paris Barcelona Arsenal 2-1
2005 Istanbul Liverpool Milan 3-3 (3-2)
2004 Gelsenkirchen Port Mónaco 3-0
2003 Manchester Milan Juventus 0-0 (3-2)
2002 Glasgow R.Madrid B.Leverkusen 2-1
2001 Milan Bayern Múnich Valencia 1-1 (5-4)
2000 Paris R.Madrid Valencia 3-0
1999 Barcelona Manchester U. Bayern Múnich 2-1
1998 Amsterdam R.Madrid Juventus 1-0
1997 Munich Borussia D. Juventus 3-1
1996 Roma Juventus Ajax 1-1 (4-2)
1995 Vienna Ajax Milan 1-0
1994 Athens Milan Barcelona 4-0
1993 Munich Marseilles Milan 1-0

As we can see, Barcelona was the last champion of the European Cup, Olympique Marseille won the first Champions League as such and Real Madrid so far, el último. Aunque el conjunto blanco tiene la posibilidad de ganarla de nuevo. If you're going to bet on the winner of the Champions League, we recommend using a good comparison bets like

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