That game on Manchester United 1990

Aquel videojuego sobre el Manchester United de 1990

Last update 28 July, 2020 por Alberto Llopis

Do you remember that video game about Manchester United's 1990 on those old computers of the time? It will be because we grow older or because sometimes we like to remember our childhood, Today we look at one of the first games of football manager style hit the market. A game that also had starring a team that began to emerge at that time from the hand of a young Alex Ferguson. He was nothing more and nothing less than the Red Devils at Old Trafford, el Manchester United.

The video game about Manchester United from 1990 for the Spectrum and the Amstrad

Those who at that time had the mythical Spectrum or the Amstrad cpc 64 K, They could enjoy a new game for the time since for this technology and the time, It was very difficult to find a game that included lineups, Transfers and other. It was all very basic and could only manage to Manchester United but certainly, it was all amazing especially if you were a kid who was starting to be hanging for football.

The graphics for today's youth will be archaic and rudimentary but for their time, The last game was a hitching you against old green screen (If you had an Amstrand) and that sometimes you had to wait almost 1 hour the game that was from cassette if it was the Amstrad or the first cds if you were lucky to have the Spectrum. A game in which incidentally came a young man who would become a legend of United, who retired in 2014, nothing more and nothing less than 24 years after the start of this game. Yes, This is it, we talk about Ryan Giggs.

videojuego sobre el Manchester United de 1990
That was the game menu. Undoubtedly one of the managers even if modest 1eros.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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