Gyan Asamoah sanctioned by her hair

Asamoah Gyan sancionado por su peinado
Asamoah Gyan is a fan of such hairstyles, what could cost you a penalty from the Emirates authorities. Fotos: Stephen Garay - EFE.

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

It seems a joke but nowhere near what is. And is that despite being in the XXI century, yet things happen that at least in this part of the globe, They may not seem serious. If a few months ago we told you the case of the Iranian goalkeeper who was severely punished for wearing trousers sponge Bob, now we have an equally surreal case. Punish you for your haircut.

Islamic authorities in UAE proceeded to punish 47 football players, including Ghana striker Asamoah Gyan, one of the stars of the tournament and fond of risky hairstyles, for breaking the rules on hairstyles, clearly prohibiting, hairstyles not considered “ethical”.

Some Islamic teachings prohibit hairstyles 'Qaza', wherein a portion of the head is shaved. This way, This committee will judge what haircuts are suitable for one purpose, that players understand that represent a role model for younger, to imitate them.

football hung

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