Bobby Moore, Is the best English footballer of all time?

Bobby Moore, ¿el mejor futbolista inglés de todos los tiempos?
Booby Moore receiving the World Champion's Cup from Queen Elizabeth II in England 1966. FOTO: Youtube Capture

Last update 13 January, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

Bobby Moore Is the best English footballer of all time? The question seems crazy, a bit more bombastic when he comes from a country that has produced players of the stature of Bobby Charlton, Gordon Banks, Paul Gascoigne, Alan Shearer o Gary Lineker. Especially when many of the younger ones do not even have a single figure who is Moore. Well then, when they finish reading the article probably will still not be clear if the best English player ever, but at least they have an idea of ​​the kind of legend that was Moore.

Booby Moore, so good that they even made a statue of him at Wembley

Because Bobby Moore was the captain of the England team that won the Mundial 66, the man who appears shoulders with the world cup in hand on a crowded Wembley. It is also the person who has a statue in his honor in full football Cathedral is the man who along with Ian Wright more times has captained the Anglo selection.

Bobby Moore
The statue of Booby Moore presides over Wembley. FOTO:

A myth, a genius of the ball that together with Beckenbauer y Elias Figueroa fight for the title of best defense in history. Because Moore was defense, central, for more signs and magnificent to give any more information. Elegant, sobrio, secure with a spectacular long pass and an excellent vision of the game, Bobby was not the central classic short advanced enemy entries based hard. Rather, otherwise, with fine maneuvers rarely ended in yellow.

A long career for a legendary player

An institution which played West Ham 16 years to complete 544 encounters that resulted in an FA Cup 1964 and one European Cup Winners' Cup in 1965, their only wins at club level and possibly the great Achilles heel of his career that prevents it from being recognized more internationally than it was.

Although it would be, sin duda, His career in the English team would lead him to the football altars and would earn him the medal for the British Empire Order of Merit and to enter the British Football Hall of Fame as well as being BBC Personality of the Year in 1966. Because with the Pross rise as we have previously noted the only English World Cup victory leaving behind the likes of Pele and Beckenbauer. Curiously, two of the personalities who best defined the great Moore: “a gentleman and the best defender I played with” (dixit Pele), “the central best ever” according to Kayser.

And is that if something was this English hero killed in 1993 as a result of colon cancer was the recognition of his colleagues, something that even led him to appear on the big movie “Evasion or Victory” along with other major figures football. Era Bobby Moore, Chirimore, so only those noises that could detach.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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