Brasil on a mete 8 Camacho to China

Last update 21 September, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

Brasil, that he needed an urgent and convincing victory to vindicate himself with his fans, today counted on the help of fragile China, which he defeated by 8-0 in a friendly match in which the enormous difference between the two teams was clear. Neymar, on three occasions; Lucas, Hulk, Oscar and Ramires, in one each, They abused the fragility of the Chinese and responded with goals and showy plays to the boos they received last Friday at the Morumbí stadium in Sao Paulo, when they suffered to win by a minimum 1-0 to south africa.
Three days after the boo for his opaque performance against South Africa, the Brazilian team dominated the match against China from start to finish, He faced practically no resistance and exhibited a wide repertoire of plays and figures that pleased the fans who came to the Arruda stadium in the city of Recife..
The easy victory, sin embargo, had the help of a naive Chinese who is located in the place 78 of the FIFA rankings; who arrived in Recife with only 17 players and tired after a trip of 21 hours and that it is by far the most fragile team faced by Brazil since Mano Menezes took over as coach.
The China commanded by the Spanish José Antonio Camacho, practically no technical options due to the poverty of the substitute bank, he just watched the five-time world champions play with ease and avenge the boos suffered on Friday.
It was the first time that Brazil even won by more than four goals since being led by Menezes and the first victory by eight goals difference since 2006.
China only reached the Brazilian goal for the first time at the 16 minutes and only generated three plays that threatened Diego Alves' goal.
After several attempts on the right with the Hulk as the main protagonist, Brazil opened the scoring in the minute 22 down the left with an exchange of passes between Oscar and Ramires that the latter finally pushed with ease to beat Zeng Cheng.
three minutes later, Neymar, that I had already wasted some opportunities, extended the score after receiving free in front of the Chinese goal an impeccable pass from Oscar after a play by Hulk on the right.

After slowing down in the last minutes of the first half, Brazil returned accelerated again for the second stage and only needed three minutes to further extend the score with a goal from Lucas, who also faced no resistance to push against the Chinese goal a sugary pass from Hulk. How many minutes later the Hulk himself, who replaced Leandro Damian in the Brazilian attack, finally got his score by finishing off a ball that Neymar crashed into a post.
Neymar increased again two minutes later after receiving a lift from side Marcelo and scored his third goal seven minutes later after a pass from Oscar.
Brazil's seventh goal was scored in his own goal by Liu Jianye when trying to deflect a lift and the eighth by Oscar after pushing a penalty scored by the referee in a foul against Marcelo.
Once the win is consolidated, Menezes put a totally different selection on the court by making the six allowed changes.
And at the end of the game, the players gathered to thank the applause received, that let us forget the boos on Friday.
– Data sheet:
8. Brasil: Diego Alves; Daniel Alves (m.61, Adriano), Dede, David Luiz (m.75, To review), Marcelo; Romulus (m.77, Sandro), Ramires (m.60, Arouca), Oscar (m.80, Leandro Damião), Lucas; Neymar (m.61, Jonas) y Hulk. Selector: Mano Menezes.
0. China: Zeng Cheng; Zhao Peng, Liu Jianye, Yu Yang, Tang Miao; Zhao Xuri (m.77, Feng Renling), Hao Junmin (m.56, Zhang Yuan), Liu Hiang, Lu Peng; Gao Lin (m.77, Yang Xu) y Zhu Ting. Selector: Jose Antonio Camacho.
Goals: 1-0, m.22: Ramires. 2-0, m.25: Neymar. 3-0, m.48: Lucas. 4-0, m.51: Hulk. 5-0, m.53: Neymar. 6-0, m.59: Neymar. 7-0, m.69: Liu Jianye. 8-0, m.74: Oscar, penalty.
Referee: Uruguayan Roberto Silveira admonished the Hulk.
incidences: friendly match played at the Arruda stadium, from Recife, ante 29.600 aficionados.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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