Clarence Seedorf scored a goal against Atletico Stratospheric

Clarence Seedorf marcó un gol estratosférico al Atlético

Last update 15 March, 2013 por Alberto Llopis

Ran the season 98-99 when Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid faced at the Bernabeu. Los blancos, with a dream team led by Raul and Pedja Mitjatovic could not with colchoneros. It was then, when he decided to take matters into Clarence Seedorf. The Dutchman took a stratospheric boot release of more than 40 meters which came as a bombshell in the goal of José Francisco Molina.

It was not enough to give victory to Real Madrid, but to give great joy to the merengue parish. The shot had everything. Power, placement, beauty, y por supuesto, the company by a superclass: Clarence Seedorf.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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