The best players in history who never won the Copa América

Los mejores jugadores de la historia que nunca ganaron la Copa América
Dos de los mejores jugadores de la historia se quedaron sin ganar la Copa América.

Last update 20 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Dos de the best players in history nunca ganaron la Copa América. Even if it looks like a lie, neither of these two stars, They never got to be the kings of America. Both won the World Cup with their countries, one of them several times, but their domestic competition and both the world's oldest ever. Talk like Pele and Maradona not, the numbers 10 mythical contemporaries who were not in time but nevertheless, They are sworn enemies.

Ni Pelé ni Maradona ganaron nunca la Copa América

When Pele played O'rei 1959 with scarcely 18 años, Copa America even called that it was called South American Championship. The Brazil of Pele and the player himself, came as champions of the World in Sweden a year earlier where the football star of his debut and excelled being a teenager. So needless to say we were more than favorites. Pele did not fail in part and fulfilled its role being the top scorer in the tournament with 8 goles. Sin embargo, his team lost this tournament 1959 in favor of Argentina.

As if a curse out, a few decades later, It was Maradona who reached his first Copa America after winning his team the World Cup although he, He had not participated. Pelusa played in 1979, 1987 y 1989 but also he failed to win the title. Not even in 1987 when they came to the event as the best player in the world and having taken the hand of Argentina to the championship of Mexico 86. Finally and as Pelé, He finished his career without knowing what it was lifting the Copa America. A Raisin in the career of two of the greatest geniuses in the history of this sport.

Messi no lo consiguió hasta 2021

Curiosamente Leo Messi la consiguió en 2021 en un Maracaná vacío por las medidas Covid ante la Brasil de Neymar. Lo hizo en su séptima participación en una Copa América y tras 3 subchampionships. Had 34 años. Todos estos datos, que ni Pelé ni Maradona la ganaran y que a Leo Messi le costara 7 ediciones hacerlo, dejan claro lo difícil que es ganar la Copa América

Otros grandes jugadores que nunca ganaron la Copa América

At the double Za-Sa, He also failed to win the Copa América

Chile won the Copa America in 2015 y 2016 in special centennial edition. Sin embargo, two of the best players in its history, la dupla Za-Sa, I never failed. Ivan Zamorano and Marcelo Salas, despite being two scorers of the most celebrated of his time, nunca consiguieron llevar a su país a conquistar el preciado trofeo Sudaméricano. Sin duda, two great players who never won the Copa America.

Carlos Valderrama played five editions of the Copa América

Carlos Valderrama Colombia participated in the Copa América de 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993 y 1995. And he not managed to win with zamarra your selection in any of them. En 2001 when the Colombian won the trophy, el ‘pibe’ he was far from his best as a professional footballer.

Chilavert, Caszely, Recoba or Elias Figueroa, other great players who never won the Copa America

Paraguayan goalkeeper, Jose Luis Chilavert, He participated in three editions (1991, 1993 y 1997) but he failed to win. Neither the Chinese Recoba Uruguay in 2007. Another mythical as Carlos Caszely also he failed to win the trophy with Chile. another Chilean, Elias Figueroa, considered the best central South American history for many, also he failed to win, attaching his name to others great players who never won the Copa América.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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