Lima's National Stadium is the new wonder of South America

El estadio Nacional de Lima es la nueva maravilla de Sudamérica

Last update 24 November, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

Hungry for football, today we discover the essence of Peruvian football in a journey that takes us to Estadio Nacional Lima, in Peru. This scenario has become one of the most modern stadiums in the world after a series of works which ended with the new enclosure reopening last July 2011.

The Lima National Stadium: One of the best sports venues in South America

Originally built in 1952, at first he was born with the idea of ​​replacing an old stadium also called “Nacional” which hosted major sporting events in the country. This and the limited capacity of the enclosure, It prompted the President of the Society of Charity of Lima, Luis Dasso will sponsor the construction of a new stadium with increased capacity and bring it into line with the surge of large buildings.

It was like this, como el 27 de octubre de 1952 Lima's National Stadium was inaugurated with a total capacity of 55.000 spectators. also known as the “Colossus Jose Diaz” being in an adjacent street that refers to the Argentine military nineteenth century, en 1953 He lives his first big moment in hosting the America's Cup. He would win a championship Paraguay to Brazil, in the first participation in a major competition with Brazilian yellow dresses.

Cuatro años más tarde, shelter his second America's Cup, with victory this time Argentina, again against the Brazilians. Already in 1959, The stadium would live a historic milestone by hosting the largest capacity of fans in its history (50.306) in the friendly against England, which he ended with a resounding American victory 4-1,

The most tragic moment experienced in a stadium in Peru

Sin duda, the worst Stadium will live on 24 de mayo de 1964, in qualifying match for the Tokyo Olympics. Con más de 47.000 People following the decisive match between Argentina and Peru, A disallowed goal with two minutes remaining in favor of the locals led to one of the biggest massacres ever seen on a football field..

A spectator jumped onto the field of play to attack the referee, after which the police released the dogs pounced on the fan who had jumped into the field. This image caused an attack of mass hysteria and people who until a few seconds were friends and were sitting next to each other quietly began to fight all against all.

Police overwhelmed by the battle that had formed unsuccessful attempt to stop the battle with tear gas, This situation was not helped by the fact that the north doors of the stadium were closed, making it impossible for people to leave.. The event ended with a total of 328 muertos, thousands injured, and new security measures that led to the stadium reduce its capacity to 45.000 personas.

In the years 70, field history would come marked by the two finals of the Libertadores (en el 71 the tie between Nacional and Students, y en el 72 the first leg of the final between Universitario de Lima and Independent) and South American U-20 1975, in addition to the brilliant performance of the national team in World Cup qualifier 70, appointment where Peruvians managed to reach the quarterfinals.

The years 80 y 90 They would not be the best for Peruvian football. Sin embargo, The stadium was pleased to be able to observe in the field the likes of Zico, Socrates, Maradona, Francescoli and others who joined Pele past, Tostao Garrincha.

It wouldn't be until 2004, when the National recover the path of prominence, with the reception of a new edition of the America's Cup, which would have its culmination with the excellent final starring between the two classic South American football, Brazil and Argentina, Brazilian victory that would end on penalties after finishing regulation time and extra time tied at 2 goles.

The Monumental de Lima is the largest stadium in the country

The recent history of the stadium has been marked by the major refurbishment that has suffered the stadium, which has caused the Peruvian team to have to play their qualifying matches for the Mundial de Sudáfrica 2010 in the colossal Universitario Monumental Stadium, with capacity for more than 80.000 spectators. A damn stadium for the Peruvian team has managed to win for only three of the fifteen matches in it.

Finally, last July 2011, The stadium was reopened completely remodeled. A friendly between the Under-21 national teams of Peru and Spain welcomed the National Stadium, recognized as the best venue throughout the country and also one of the best in South America.

With the new reform, The stadium has 46.800 seating, and is connected through the Alameda del deporte, with the other major sports stadium in Lima, Alejandro Villanueva, better known as the Matute, Or what is the same, Alliance House Lima.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982


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