The Spanish government redistributes income of television rights

El Gobierno español redistribuirá los ingresos de los derechos televisivos

Last update 24 January, 2013 por Julio Muñoz

The government will end the current privileged status of Real Madrid and FC Barcelona in the distribution of television revenues since practically receive 50% of the total television rights for the Spanish football. The draft of the new Law on Professional Sports that finalizes the Sports Council calls for a collective sharing, like the current model of England, Germany and Italy.

The new Law on Professional sports should be debated in Parliament and discussed at the Professional Football League, contrary to amend the regulations in force despite the discomfort of historical clubs like Sevilla, el Betis, the spanish, el Zaragoza, Athletic and Real Sociedad.

In August 2012, Miguel Cardenal, president of the CSD, manifestó: "This war has to end football and. Spanish football can not afford the losses which result from poor commercial exploitation of television rights ".

Television income redistribution is only a matter of time, hopefully in the way many teams do not disappear.

El Gobierno español redistribuirá los ingresos de los derechos televisivos
The Spanish government redistributes income of television rights

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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