The impossible goal by Roberto Carlos to Tenerife

El gol imposible de Roberto Carlos al Tenerife
That impossible goal by Roberto Carlos against Tenerife went down in history. FOTO: Youtube Capture

Last update 20 May, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

Remember the goal Roberto Carlos impossible? The Brazilian was scored during the League 1997-98 al Tenerife in a League match played at the Heliodoro Rodríguez López. Brazil is arguably the best left back in history. He was a powerful side, rapid and dramatic. With an impressive ball striking, It was a sight to see him shoot free kicks or hit race.

The impossible goal by Roberto Carlos to Tenerife

It was collector of amazing goals like this of which I speak in this article. We moved al 21 of January of 1998, to the sunny Canary Islands. They faced the Tenerife, former bete noire of Real Madrid.

In a move that seemed without much significance, little, He invented a pass first the band to a Roberto Carlos, that as always, up the band as a real lightning. What it seemed it was going to end up as a center, He ended as a great shot that slipped through the squad Ojeda, Tenerife goalkeeper of the time. Goal that made history as “The impossible goal by Roberto Carlos“.

el gol imposible de Roberto Carlos al Tenerife
Roberto Carlos' great goal against Tenerife on 21 of January of 1998 was recorded in history. FOTO: Youtube Capture

Kinda, that today and several decades later, is still remembered as one of the most beautiful goals that have been scored in the history of LaLiga spanish soccer.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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