Five genious five geniuses

Cinco genialidades de cinco genios
Panenka entered history with this genius. FOTO: A la contra

Last update 1 May, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

What are the best genius that some soccer players have left? Along the history, the world of soccer has been full of talented players capable of inventing the most unpredictable play. Plays, that have been marked for posterity, some even raising their author to fame and entering the history of this sport on their own merits. At Colgados we want to remind you of five genialidades.

Five genious five geniuses

Zidane took Madrid to the ninth

Zinedine Zidane raised his already successful career to the altars of football on the night of 15 of May of the 2002 in the final between Real Madrid and Bayer Leverkusen. It was a ball centered as he could by Roberto Carlos. La pelota, high traveled to the German area and when everyone thought that the French star would control the ball, “the Divine Bald” surprised the world with a spectacular volley that slipped through the goal square defended by Butt. Worth remembering.

Higuita's "scorpion"

Some may argue that he dared to do it because it was a friendly match, but what there is no doubt is that Rene Higuita I make one of the strangest stops in memory. As if it were a cartoon character, the Colombian goalkeeper surprised in the friendly of Wembley stopping a shot by Jamie Redknapp with his feet in an acrobatic position.

The English fans thanked him with applause that will be remembered forever and ever.. Higuita, sin embargo, would recognize that the play was made because he saw the line raise the offside flag, although in reality the play was never invalidated due to an unregulated position.

Roberto Carlos' smart bomb

He 3 de junio de 1997 we saw the perfect free kick. The author, the Brazilian left back Roberto Carlos. It happened in a World Cup match between France and Brazil played at the Gerland stadium in Lyon. Roberto Carlos took a free kick, the ball overcomes the barrier on the right and when it seemed that the ball was going to go out, Suddenly the effect changed and he went inside, before the stupefied look of Barthez what was the statue doing.

It was a unique launch, later imitated by others, but that paved the way for how to score a goal “impossible”. Lo tenía todo, velocidad, placement, power and spectacularity. So shocking it turned out, that many experts have systematically analyzed how that goal could have entered that way. Ante él, you can only see it and applaud. Was one of many goals scored by Roberto Carlos.

Panenka invented his penalty

Antonin Panenka can be proud of itself. The Czech player has passed into history as having a somewhat peculiar and bold way to launch a penalty. The origin dates back to the end of the Eurocup of 76 between Germany and the old Checoslovaquía. Both teams had arrived tied at the end of the game, and eventually they played in penalties. Germany had failed launch and if the Czechoslovaks were marked champions.

All responsibility in the hands of a man: Panenka. The sticks, the possibly best goalkeeper of the time, Sepp Maier. And madness, wait for the goalkeeper to beat to the side and subtly lift the ball gently towards the center of the goal. The objective achieved. Panenka had made his country champion, and he had achieved it his way and making history.

The cause of taking the penalty, according to the protagonist himself, was due to the many penalties that he had failed while training with his team goalkeeper. Sleepless nights, they gave him an idea of ​​how to throw a penalty and not fallarlo. A partir de ahí, There were many who imitated him; not all with the same success to the goal.

Vieri scored the impossible goal

This time if, there was no angle. Not that the ball was heeling, is that he was on the same bottom line. But it still didn't matter. I enter. Fue Christian Vieri, that spectacular Italian scorer who made a season 97-98 worth remembering at Atlético de Madrid, the one who in a UEFA Cup match against Paok, took advantage of the Greek goalkeeper's overconfidence to score a museum goal.

Nikopoulos, the Greek goalkeeper let it pass believing that the ball would end in a goal kick, pero el “Chief canonieri” Italian was clever and got the ball back, that was planted for an instant on the same bottom line. A partir de ahí, fired a drone launch that was targeting the Greek bow much to the delight of the Calderón.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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