The great exodus of Spanish football

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Dear hanging:

I am spinning my head and trying to find objective reasons for what is happening in our beloved country.. I do not find enough words to explain what is happening to us and if we are really experiencing a chaos of identity.

The facts are eloquent and the public bodies are incapable of resolving what they themselves have generated. There is a mass exodus of talent as engineers, médicos, architects or researchers. Many of them with a preparation equivalent to the best in the world, they have had to live the moment in which we live so discouraging in the face of the inability of the rulers to create the structures capable of providing all our intellectuals with the necessary mechanisms to develop their capacities and thus the country is degenerating. Our young people leave the Universities prepared thinking of emigrating.

My introduction is very timely, what is happening with our promises and best soccer players?.It gives the feeling of a mass exodus to other leagues, that for many years have been inferior in quality of game and players (saving quirks) to the Spanish League.

I am astonished seeing how players with a great media impact and others with not so much, they are being absorbed by other leagues and are emigrating. As I usually do in my comments, starting with names is not my characteristic, but it is worth remembering the last to go. Elite players like Negredo, Alcantara, Jesus Navas, and many others who are out like Javi Martinez or Fernando Torres have had to emigrate from what was previously called the best League in the world.

up to more than 40 Spanish soccer elite players and even Second or Second B players, have been signed by foreign teams. It's really sad to talk about this, but the only thing I want to think about is that the Spanish football clubs, due to the economic situation of the country and the Public Treasury as well as the banks, have said "ENOUGH. Now it's time to balance the balances, it's time to be realistic, It's time to pay off debts with creditors and look back at the foundations, those that have been for many seasons forgotten by the "paper tycoons" of Spanish football, obsessed with transfer fees, paying with bad promissory notes, using tax loopholes to bambar at ease.

Unfortunately we are experiencing a great exodus of our best soccer pearls, We hope that our quarries, as they have shown in international competitions, can cover in our domestic league the casualties of the exodus of our main national football figures..

Sergio Barres

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