Levante in search of the dream of the Copa del Rey

El Levante en busca del sueño de la Copa del Rey
Levante is the sensation of the Copa del Rey 2020-21. FOTO: Levante OUT

Last update 9 February, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

Levante is the sensation of the Copa del Rey. Those already baptized as' Paco's men’ They have been planted in the semifinals and have many arguments to try to fulfill their dream of at least, jugar la final. Although granotas dream of much greater heights. They have made history but want more, mucho más.

Morales and Roger, more of 100 goles en la élite a coste cero para el Levante

Levante have many good players like Bardhi, Melero, Radoja, De Frutos or Malsa in addition to the injured Campaign among other interesting players. Sin embargo, there are two men who are standing out this year and in recent seasons for their effectiveness against goal. These are none other than Jose Luis Morales y Roger Martí.

Both players have scored and participated in more than 100 goals in the elite for Levante and also at zero cost. And it is that both arrived to play in the granota subsidiary in 2011 and now 10 años después, are consolidated in the elite as Levante players. And all this with a remarkable production the last 4 seasons and in this one especially where both are in the top of LaLiga scorers. Morales with 10 and Roger with 9.

Levante Copa del Rey
Roger and Morales, goals and more goals for Levante from the reserve team. FOTO: Brand

Levante's chances of reaching the Cup final

Despite the fact that Levante reaches the semifinal ahead of its rival, el Athletic, in the LaLiga leaderboard, y tan just lost 2 matches in the last 4 months, not by far the favorite in the tie. The basques, revividos desde la llegada de Marcelino y tras ganar la Supercopa de España, they have to play the final of 2020 against Real Sociedad just a week before the 2021. And as is logical, the idea of ​​being able to play two finals in a week in a row and win two cups at once, It is an idea that motivates the lions a lot. But in front they will have a Levante full of quality and illusion.

The odds do not favor Levante (+310) when they face Athletic Bilbao according to SportsBettingDime.com, aún así, the granotas have talent, arguments and ability to win anyone as they have shown since it is a group fully established in the elite. We may see a very even tie. Whatever happens, Levante has already put its name in history, although at this point, the granotas want more.


Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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