Spain-Nigeria: Zubizarreta gave the victory to Nigerians in the last preceding

España-Nigeria: Zubizarreta regaló la victoria a los nigerianos en el último precedente
Zubizarreta finished his career in the worst possible way, with a pitiful World Cup 1998.

Last update 23 June, 2013 por Alberto Llopis

Nigeria beat Spain in the last precedent between the two teams. He did after a monumental failure of Andoni Zubizarreta who committed one of the most notorious mistakes in the history of the world. Basque goalkeeper went inside his goal a ball that clearly had no danger.

Nigeria won the match by three goals two. It happened in 1998, in the World Cup in France and the Spanish team came to the event as one of the best but always failed at that time. He is missing something, now the opposite with the best generation of Spanish football history and possibly the world.

The fact that this team was gifted with talent but had certain shortcomings that you weighed down. Including a coach determined to put a porter who was on the verge of retirement and a long time and it was far from his best moments. The result was that the selection led Clemente made ridicule and left in the first phase, after thrashing Bulgaria six goals to one.

El fallo garrafal de Zubizarreta acabó con las esperanzas de España en el Mundial de 1998
The monumental failure of Zubizarreta ended the hopes of Spain in the World 1998

And since that distant date, times have changed a lot, especially for Spanish. With the semi-finals to decide, logic suggests that the Spanish team must pass to the next round as group winners and Uruguay will bend comfortably to weak Tahiti and make it as a second. The logic also pointed out that Spain would win that afternoon in June last century and. Football is football.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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