Last update 5 June, 2022 by Alberto Llopis
Was Andoni Zubizarreta as good as his numbers say? six Leagues, (2 with Athletic, 4 with Barcelona), 1 European Cup, 1 Cup Winners Cup, 1 European Super Cup, 3 King's Cups, others 3 Spanish Super Cups, four World behind, 126 international matches, 1 Zamora trophy, 8º best goalkeeper in history according to the IFFHS, the Order of Merit Sports, if the numbers and titles speak for themselves, that there is no doubt that there would be no doubt in pointing out Andoni Zubizarreta as one of the best Spanish goalkeepers of all time.
However, and sheltered from these data, Our question today is quite another: Was it as good as indicated by their numbers Zubi, or else we are talking about a highly-rated goalkeeper who came to where he came to have the luck to be at the right time at the right place?
Was Andoni Zubizarreta as good as his data indicates?
Different postures bring some light to the debate. His supporters point to him as a leader, a janitor insurance, sober, not given to the eccentricities and the effectiveness. Placement, Masters in the air balls, tactical management, responsibility, charisma and included, intimidation were some of his best qualities as goalkeeper.
differentiated view of their detractors, very critical for being one of the "friends" of Javier Clemente, for being a goalkeeper with little baggage in stopping penalties, for their clamorous failure decisive peak times (there is the end of Athens or the famous match against Nigeria and France World Cup).

Nobody's goalkeeper of Barcelona eight years, Valencia or four, Athletic fives and Spain over a decade but is good. That seems indisputable. However, Brings sixteen years after his retirement a huddle of opinions that undervalue their performance in goal. That's what we asked our readers, precisely, was Andoni Zubizarreta an overrated goalkeeper or on the contrary he was a goalkeeper as brilliant as his numbers indicate?

And you do you think?