special World 2014

Last update 16 May, 2018 por Alberto Llopis

The biggest football event in the world is here, el Mundial, the tournament where the greatest have always been consecrated, the most watched and followed championship on the entire planet. In Colgados we could not be less and therefore, We bring you our particular guide to the World Cup in Brazil 2014 and as, faithful to our line, We tell you the best stories that have occurred in the history of the World Cups and we summarize the best of each of them from 1930 hasta 2010. Are you going to miss it?.

Brazil World Cup 2014

-Group A

-B Group

-Group C

-group D

-Grupo E

-Group F

-Group G

-group H

-Where to watch the World Cup on television?

Dates and times World Brazil 2014

-Las mejores anécdotas de los Mundiales (desde 1930 a 2010)

-World Cup Stories

-The best goals in World Cup history

-The squad of all national teams

-Who will win the next World Cup?

-The World Cup stadiums

-News and data from the Brazil World Cup 2014