Found dead one of the porters in a swamp Sanluqueño

Hallan muerto a uno de los porteros del Sanluqueño en un pantano

Last update 16 August, 2016 por Alberto Llopis

Go run this summer, it seems that we have lately turned a page of obits but news are those that are. If yesterday we later learned the news of the death of former player of Real Sociedad and Aston Villa, Dalian Atkinson, and just over a month at the gym freak accident that killed Fran Carles ago, the terrible news today is the death of a young boy who was beginning in this football. sources 112 confirm that they have found the body of Alfonso Garrucho, de 18 años, third goalkeeper of Atletico Sanluqueño, Group IV of Second B Team.

Apparently the girl was on Monday 15 de agosto con unos amigos en el embalse de Bornos y se adentró en el mismo para darse un baño. To not see him again, his friends gave warnings to 112 and relevant authorities. Civil Guard sent one of its units of divers in search of the young man who could not find during the day yesterday. Finally, It has been found in the morning 16 de agosto, Unfortunately lifeless.

Alfonso Garrucho, I was starting to train with the first team of Atletico Sanluqueño and was to be the third goalkeeper of the Andalusian club this season. The group IV of Second B has been dyed mourning and several times this summer. As I commented at the beginning, Just over a month ago, another team in the group, Linares, Fran lost their captain Carles such a surreal way tragic.

football hung

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