Five players who were going to star and eventually crashed Part V

Cinco jugadores que iban para estrella y acabaron estrellados parte V
Jesse wants to be a star but for now things look backwards. Foto:

Last update 6 January, 2019 por Alberto Llopis

We continue with our series of players who went to star and eventually crashed. Football is a sport where one day you're the best and the worst one. A sport that consumes heroes almost as fast as the models of the players change boots.

That's why, Often the expectations placed on young hopefuls tend to nothing because of the enormous media pressure of the sport. We told you 20 Where the other four deliveries so today, we bring you five more players who were going to star and eventually crashed.


Was appointedGolden Boy and 2008 and proclaimed champion of the champions that same year with Manchester United shirt. Football player estuvo 8 years at Old Trafford where he never consolidated despite being nearly a decade at the club and where accumulated a few assignments. came out in 2015 heading to Brazilian football and a los 30 years was to play in the second division of Turkish football.


The umpteenth Golden Ball, crack Mundial, football star for some Spanish press. The truth is that his career is devolving to unimagined levels. It debuted strongly at Real Madrid but a serious injury and a less orderly life outside the camp were dragging.

Children with several women, known for any social networks, songs “reggaeton” and other sports stories began to sound louder than his football. PSG paid 25 million euros for him and since then he has accumulated assignments and playing well recently.


Halfway through the first decade of the century it was going to eat the world from the band's shirt Pizjuán Sevilla but since then its progression gradually faded to finish devaluing a career that promised much at first. Now try it in the Extremadura.


The new Christian They called him and we know what happens when someone is someone new. perhaps in the only thing is agreed that signed the United when they were some kids because the truth is that the Italian has only linked assignment after assignment without actually explode anywhere.


The Italian is very talented but the end is the feeling you could have done more. After step Juve, Giovinco went to the MLS where he has made a career in the ranks of Toronto FC.


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Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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