“Play the attack is a fad”

Last update 4 May, 2018 por Alberto Llopis

Joaquin Caparros who has never been a lover of accumulating players ahead of the ball instead of replegados is one thing that any connoisseur of Spanish football knows. But Utrera has gone further to say whether flush “play attack is a fad, why “al final, the goal is to win the match” and get “defensive balance” reducing the number of goals against”. 

“The heart of a team is the defensive concept and you have to get that defensive-offensive balance”, Caparros said in statements to the media following the club. True also that such media and tribunero style that characterizes him, the de Utrera also stated that the work week for the meeting had achieved, because the objective was “to group” and be angry with the ball so that at the end of the meeting everyone feels the accomplishment”.  We will see the debut of the new Caparros Sevilla who turns a new phase arises as coach hispalense.

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