The sad reality of Second B

La triste realidad de la Segunda B

Last update 23 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Welcome to the Spanish football poor. The likely absence of Racing Santander tonight against Real Sociedad reminds us of the great economic differences and inequality between clubs. When the great Spanish teams find the condescension of Finance and Social Security, the modest struggle to survive in the lower grades. Unknowledgeable clubs in the hands of economic managers of sports organization and lovers of the books that are not best placed to lead mythical sports institutions.

La triste realidad económica de la Segunda B

Many sit and non-appearances we remember history. Without going any further in Brazilian football recently we saw a series of sit-ins to protest against championship calendar. In our football, are several teams sat one day as claim, usually as a visible form of protest against its directors for unpaid. Cases like Racing Santander flood the Spanish football today. Lamentablemente, we share very complicated situations such as the Cantabrian team goalkeeper Oumar Diaby. From the Cantabrian club they were promised a salary of about 450 euros separate maintenance and housing in summer.

And you are forced to live Oumar Diaby, in absolute indigence.

But the reality is totally different, and in August he and his companions were evicted for unpaid of the entity and its president Angel Lavin Harry particular. The vast majority of members of the staff has five months without pay and more than one living in misery.

This natural Mali young spend the night in a room no more than 10 square meter, borrowed and fired for sleeping on a sofa bed heater or a pallet on the floor. The nightmare could be even tougher if not for the help he receives from his girlfriend and fellow. Many financial problems of several clubs that not long ago were common in the top flight and have large debts with various government organizations and players.

Ciudades históricas en Segunda B

A skinny dog ​​flea everything is, and the truth that cities like Santander, Oviedo, Logroño and Salamanca are news and not just for his football. Cities who yearn quality football and his teams dream again shine nationally. Esta última jornada la Segunda División B nos dejó el enfrentamiento entre la UDL y el Real Oviedo en Las Gaunas. Incredibly the most radical fans of both teams faced off hours before kick off in a fight that turned into battle. Not the first time that this kind of fans perform different hangouts or encounters through social networks to dueling and give more than a sad picture. A very serious problem, cities without football but with all the problems around it.

La policía obligada a intervenir en Linares

In the Andalusian football we could also be seen as a national police encañonaba with his shotgun rubber balls to a group of followers who rebuked the refereeing trio. After the final whistle of the match between the Balompédica Linense and Córdoba B (1-2), maybe some fans experienced the tense situation of the day when a representative of the police nervously gunpoint almost point-blank.

Sad news that leaves us today in the bronze category. Teams with serious problems that can survive in a category that is a wreck. Racing cases like hombrada has achieved this year in the Copa del Rey, eliminating teams like Sevilla and Almeria category, and lead Group I of Second B. By principles and moral values ​​must make the difficult decision not to appear before the opportunity of their lives, 90 minutes that would give them the opportunity to play a semifinal against F.C. Barcelona.

Should they miss the train of their lives that for the vast majority will not happen again?. Will this forfeit the pardon that once had the club or be severely punished?. What is clear is that clubs are regarded and treated totally different as they are called and what floor they are in Spanish football. Justice and equality are absent, Like some followers intelligence and common sense of certain people who should protect the rights of citizens.

Alberto Marrodan

Other football specialist, that few people know in You can also follow me on @mohikanno
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