The best recommendations and tips for LaLiga Fantasy Marca

Las mejores recomendaciones y consejos para  LaLiga Fantasy Marca
LaLiga Fantasy Marca attracts hundreds of thousands of players. FOTO: Brand

Last update 24 October, 2020 por Alberto Llopis

If you are reading this article you are surely a fan of Laliga Fantasy Brand. Por ello, we are going to tell you the best tips and tricks to play and win in it. We will tell you how to build the best team and beat your colleagues by showing your knowledge of all LaLiga players, also giving a twist to your strategies and earning more points than them day after day.

The best tips to be a crack in LaLiga Fantasy Marca

Tab and speculate well

Too then 100 million euros what do you do and what footballers do you sign up to complete that squad? These are some of the questions that many players ask themselves when they start their journey in a fantasy league. In the beginning you have to take into account many things, from the player's statistics in the last season to of course his current and dynamic form. Managing all the data is essential in the Modern Soccer and they are no less important if you want to be good at this type of game.

Keep in mind that you have a budget limit and you have to spin very fine at the beginning if you want to buy well and then sell better and thus increase your possibilities. Therefore, you have to know how to speculate very well and look for that player profile that at the beginning may have a low value but that with the passage of the season is revalued. Sounds complicated yeah, but we give you an example from last season, Granada's squad without going any further.

It’s clear how he scores in LaLiga Fantasy

It seems obvious but if you do not know how the score of the players is calculated, it will be difficult for you to make a competitive team. Therefore, you do not have to look at the names and if the benefits of each player in the scales that the game proposes, such as goals conceded by goalkeepers and defenders, goals scored and many other ways to score like this in broad strokes that you have to be clear.

The last day of the week to present the team is key

For example there is a normal weekend day and it arrives on Friday. This is the most important day to review possible penalties, injuries and last minute problems that players from your team can accumulate and take them out of 11. It is also a good day to check your trend, state of form, if he played during the week in Champions, Europa League or another competition or if you are coming from an international match and have the possibility that your coach will rotate you. Handling these variants well can make you win or lose many points every day.

Watch out for the 'clauses’

In this edition you can configure in your league if you want to include this option. You have to be clear about and handle this concept well because it is important when making sales and also buying footballers. The value of the clause of a footballer is established from the beginning with a series of rules that you can see in this video.

The more performance you get out of the game, the better you will have fun playing it and the more options you will have to be among the best. There are many options in this game. How far away are those beginnings of ‘La Liga Fantástica’ half of the 90.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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