Best t-shirts in the history of Levante

Las mejores camisetas de la historia del Levante
Tee season 21-22 with Commander Morales as a model. FOTO: Levante OUT

Last update 16 October, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

What are the best shirts in the history of Levante? Granotas, frogs in Valencia, definition or nickname given to Levante UD fans in Valencia except for the residents of the city, who, within the framework of the local sporting rivalry, brand them as ‘toads’ in response to the term ‘chotos‘ with which those of Levante brand those of Valencia.

Con más de 100 years of history, Levante is the oldest club in Valencia and although the twentieth century was not very productive for granotas, If the club is experiencing a very fruitful beginning of the XXI century where growth has increased more 14-15 years than in the other almost 100 sobre todo en la last golden decade of the club.

Like every club, an important thing throughout its history are t-shirts. On this occasion we want to remember some of those that in our opinion, son the best in the history of Levante.

Best t-shirts in the history of Levante


camiseta del Levante 2003-04
Tito, Angel Cuellar and Rubiales with the shirt of the season 2003/04, the ascent with Manolo Preciado technical. Foto:


camiseta levante 95-96
Year T-Shirt 1995-96 It is in the memories of many granotas between 30 y 40 años. Foto: Poster Levante EMV


camiseta del Levante centenario
Centennial T-shirt with the names of the partners in the 2009-2010 crowned with a historic moment and turning point for the great growth of the club. As pretty as a historic shirt. Foto:


camiseta del levante liderato
T-Shirt EuroLevante season 2011-12 he became leader of First Division. Foto:


camiseta europa league
T-paced Levante Europe in a Europe League bright 2013. Foto:


Levante años 60
We go further back, with T-Shirt 60, the first to see the Levante in the Primera with an epic team. Foto:


mejores camisetas de la historia del Levante
El Levante 2016-17 which amounted 3 months before. A very pretty tee shirts breaking years and seasons unattractive. Foto:


camisetas mas bonitas de la historia del Levante
White, “Comandante” Morales and Ivi with the shirt of the season 2017-18. Pretty and the first ad-free in a long time. Foto:


las mejores camisetas de la historia del Levante
The shirt of Real flag of the Kingdom of Valencia in 2017-18, very similar to the previous year but without the advertising. Foto:


las mejores camisetas de la historia del Levante
the blanquinegra 2017-18. Another shirt very nice to our liking. Foto:


blanquinegra centenario
The blanquinegra centennial in 2009-2010, another piece worthy have for granota. Foto:


mejores camisetas de la historia del Levante
Tee season 21-22, simple and very in the essence granota. FOTO: Levante OUT


levante ud 96-97
Tee season 1996-97, one that fans remember fondly. FOTO: Levante UD virtual museum

¿Y tú, What would you add?

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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