Top Five classic Mexican soccer

Los cinco mejores clásicos del fútbol mexicano
The Clásico Regio is one of the hottest classics in Mexican soccer. FOTO: brand Clear

Last update 26 December, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

What are the best Mexican soccer classics?? As we have been telling you for a long time Colgados, in Mexico live football with a passion overflowing, in a very peculiar way. This makes the rivalry between local teams oversteps the green and over the years, They have created historical rivalries that have resulted in several classic. Today I want to tell what the best five classic Mexican soccer.

Los mejores clásicos del fútbol mexicano


The Classic of the Classics. Chivas vs America. That's what they call in Mexico a classic that throughout history has been hot, very hot, While things have pierced football and the players themselves have ended up reaching hands over two and three times. It is arguably one of the hottest world classics.


He classic Regio, derby that pits two teams of Monterrey, a game where pride and hegemony of the city is at stake. A party that front lately also two of the most expensive teams in Mexico. A sight to see both the volcano, nickname Tigers Stadium and the new house and flirtatious Monterrey.


He Classic Tapatio faces the two teams from the city of Guadalajara, Chivas and Atlas. It is the oldest in Mexico since officially dates from 1916. Each Clásico Tapatío puts Guadalajara on a war footing to witness the match between two of the classics of Mexican soccer.

Cruz Azul-America

He Young Classic faces two of the best-known and biggest clubs in Mexico, Cruz Azul and America. The match between the cement and despite azulcrema called Clásico Joven, Coming from half the 60.


He Capital Classic faces two of the roosters of Mexican soccer. Two of the most successful teams in Mexico whose rivalry is already many decades behind.

football hung

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