The biggest stadiums in Mexico

Los estadios más grandes de México
The Azteca is one of the largest in the world. Although some sources cite their capacity 87.000. FOTO: Brand

Last update 14 January, 2019 por Alberto Llopis

You know what the biggest stadiums in Mexico are? En Hanged for football, We've talked about the biggest stadiums in Argentina, from Spain and Colombia. This time fix our gaze on the Mexican country, a place where football is seen and lived from another perspective. A country that has hosted twice a World Cup football, en 1970 y 1986 and it has football temples with history. As always you have.

1-Estadio Azteca (American and Mexican national team, Mexico City, 105.064 spectators)

el estadio más grande de México
Azteca Stadium is the largest stadium in Mexico and one of the largest in the world.

2-Olympic University Stadium (Pumas, Mexico City, 68.954 spectators)

los estadios más grandes de México
The beautiful Olympic Stadium Universitario.

3-Jalisco stadium (Atlas and Leones Negros, Guadalajara, 63.163 spectators)

los estadios más grandes de México
Jalisco Stadium in Guadalajara, Mexico, It is the third largest in Mexico

4-BBVA Bancomer (Monterrey, Monterrey, 51.000 spectators)

los estadios más grandes de México
The new stadium Rayados of Monterrey opened in 2015, It is spectacular and the fourth in the list is placed.

5-Omnilife stadium (Chivas, Guadalajara, 49.850 spectators)

los estadios más grandes de México
The Omnilife Stadium, Coquette house Chivas de Guadalajara.


Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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