Best memes of Barca comeback against PSG

Los mejores memes de la remontada del Barça ante el PSG

Last update 18 November, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

The memes of Barça's comeback against PSG they did not wait. And it is that a game like that, with the result of the first leg and the surprising result of the return, it doesn't happen every day. That gave way to the already well-known memes that have been going viral on social networks for a long time.. And it is that new technologies rule.

The second leg of the tie between culés and Parisians was sublime, historical, tremendous…any adjective falls short before the brutal machada of Barcelona against the PSG. Culés not only rallied from a 4-0 suffered in the first leg in Paris but also achieved the historic machada of overcoming the 3 They lacked goals in 6 last few minutes turning the Camp Nou in an authentic cry and plunging those of Emery in a sea of ​​tears.

Although it is true that the match was not exempt from some arbitration controversy since arbitration at the dawn of VAR, it was at least, home. PSG was badly affected with some clear actions that helped the final result to be a crush. As always in these cases social networks are filled with “memes”. These are some of the best.

Best memes of Barca comeback against PSG

a meme remontada del Barça 2

a meme remontada del Barça 3

A meme remontada del Barça 4

A meme remontada del Barça 5

A meme remontada del Barça

a meme remontada del Barça 6

A meme remontada del Barça 7

A meme remontada del Barça 8

football hung


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