The best Spanish goalkeepers in history

Los mejores porteros españoles de la historia
Iker Casillas is for many, the best Spanish goalkeeper in history. FOTO:

Last update 20 June, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Who are the Best Spanish goalkeepers in history? The goalkeeper is a peculiar guy, somebody else throughout the rest of his team. Starting with the dress and ending the loneliness of enjoying in goal. That's why we bring the best Spanish goalkeepers in history. Those great goalkeepers born within Spanish borders. As with all lists there are for all tastes and all colors.

The best Spanish goalkeepers in history

Iker Casillas

Beloved in its infancy, crucified on the end of his career titles, parties and mythical matches, Casillas is it hurts some one of the best in the history of Spain, possibly one of the 5 best of football history in the XXI century at least. Spanish banner of the best football generation, one of his miraculous stops gave half to Spain in the World 2010. Fue nombrado por la IFFHS como Best goalkeeper in the world cinco veces seguidas.

Ricardo Zamora

The first great portero español de fútbol. It was the best goalkeeper in the early twentieth century. Dubbed the "divine", Zamora, is credited with stopping a style with the elbow called the "Zamorana". Such was its category at the time that for many years, the award for the best goalkeeper in Spain bears his name. It is the fifth best goalkeeper in history according to the IFFHS.

Victor Valdés

Five trophies Zamora, four of them in a row and many titles with Barca, They make it one of the best goalkeepers in Spain. Perhaps something was covered to coincide in time with Iker Casillas who was the second goalkeeper in Spain a long time. Uno de los Best Spanish goalkeepers in history.

Antoni Ramallets

He was the goalkeeper of Barcelona and the Spanish team in the early 50's of last century. He won five trophies Zamora and caught on an excellent performance in the World Cup in Brazil 1950. He was nicknamed "The Cat Maracana". Ramallets pasó a la historia como uno de los best goalkeepers in the history of Spain.

Luis Arconada

"Nothing happens, we have to Arconada ". This mythical phrase was common among boys in the early 80, Miguel Arconada that was Luis best goalkeeper in Spain and one of the best in Europe.

It was three times during that decade Zamora and got to show as many records as many or more games unbeaten internacionalidades. his moon It was the error in the final of Euro 1984 against France. He failed monumentally before a shot lack of Michel Platini, which it costs him lose the championship to Spanish. Uno de los grandes porteros de los años 80.

José Ángel Iribar

"Chopo" was the best goalkeeper in Spain during the decade of the 60 and the 70's. International with selection 49 occasions, It was the goalkeeper of the first title in the history of Spanish national team. Fue en 1964 with precisely that Spain won Euro. The Spaniards won by one goal to nil to the Soviet Union. En 1970 Zamora won the trophy.

Santiago Canizares

It is one of the best goalkeepers has given the history of Spain. Cañete was a spectacular goalkeeper who perhaps did not reach the impact deserved. I still had an impressive career. Winner of four trophies Zamora, Porter was the best time in the history of Valencia, winning many titles, but perhaps not with Spain had deserved impact.

mejores porteros de la historia de España
Santi Cañizares is for many, the best goalkeeper in the history of Valencia and also in the history of Spain. FOTO:

Juan Carlos Ablanedo

It is certainly one of the forgotten Spanish football. The cat as he was called, was three times Zamora trophy and one of the best goalkeepers in the late 80's and early 90's.Quizás their lack of impact on the Spanish team played against. Aún así, was mundialista in Mexico 86 and Italy 90, although it came as third goalkeeper. Juan Carlos Ablanedo He was a short goalkeeper but with spectacular agility. Undoubtedly one of the best Spanish goalkeepers.

Paco Buyo

One of the most spectacular doormen who has given Spain. Nimble and quick, Paco Buyo tampoco era muy alto para ser portero pero era capaz de llegar a balones impensables. Tuvo una dilatada trayectoria, which she led him to play almost forty. International during the 80's, not what it was when it was at its best. It was not liked by Javier Clemente, with which also maintained a controversial sours. Uno de los mejores porteros españoles de la Liga.

Jose Molina

Valencia goalkeeper emerged from the quarry of Valencia although he never got to play in the first team. He was on loan at Albacete and it was not until his arrival at Atletico Madrid when he reached the glory. In the whole mattress he had a glorious stage winning the Zamora and the doublet. Then he went to Deportivo where he had another triumphant stage and suffered the biggest setback of his life when he was diagnosed with testicular cancer, which he fortunately overcame.. He returned to play football and finished his career in Valencia but in the ranks of Levante

International with Spain, I get to debut as a winger in a friendly match against the lack of effective almost scoring a goal. Then he had a history going summoned or less Euro 2000 where a blunder in the first game against Norway relegated him to the substitute. Certainly one of the best goalkeepers has given this country

mejores porteros españoles de la historia
Molina finished his career at Levante. Foto:

Andoni Zubizarreta

Fue 126 caps, He played four World from 1986 hasta 1994 and was the goalkeeper Barcelona by Johan Cruyff. It was a goalkeeper with a right style, He not excelled at anything in particular but not jarred except in penalty shots, where they rarely stop any.

The truth is that last years of his career were not good and many of their caps they should be Javier Clemente that he continued to insist that despite his form was not the most optimal for a player of that level. It cost him finish his career in the worst possible way. By numbers and data, is undoubtedly one of the best spanish goalkeepers in history.

Paco Liaño

CAt the time, he achieved the record for the best Zamora in history. En 1994, He conceded 18 goals in 38 parties con un promedio de 0,47 by party, or an average of one meeting. It was that Depor goalkeeper who was on the verge of winning the league at that meeting Djukic penalty. Pese a ello, Depor won the Cup and Super Cup 1995. A nivel individual, ganó 2 Zamoras in First and Second one in Sestao.

Despite all this, He never was summoned with the Spanish team because at its best, Clemente decided that a Zubizarreta was far from being the best goalkeeper in Spain, It must be the owner and even in his best season, It did not take him to the World 1994 where he summoned himself Zubizarreta, a Lopetegui already Santi Canizares.

Other of the best Spanish goalkeepers in history:

Andres Palop, Abel Resino, Pepe Reina, Miguel Reina, Miguel Ángel, Far away, Ignacio Eizaguirre, Agustin, Pedro Jaro…

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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