Pedri: 'Mister extensions'

Pedri: ‘Míster prórrogas’
Pedri, the man of the extra time goals. FOTO: FC Barcelona

Last update 25 January, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

There are cases in which certain footballers seem to have an affair with certain aspects of the game.. Some have it with the goal, others with assists and some, as is the case of Pedri, with the extensions. El joven futbolista del FC Barcelona He seems to have a magnet for the qualifying rounds in which he participates to end with extra time.

Y es que, As the colleagues point out Betway, the canary thing is not normal. In his short career as a professional he has already witnessed, either from the grass or already replaced, nothing more and nothing less than 13 extensions in the last year. ¡Casi nada!

The Spanish Super Cup as origin

The first meeting in which Pedri played and ended in extra time took place last January 2021. Specifically the day 13, y con la Real society as a rival. On that occasion, the Basques would fight against the culés to sneak into the final of the Spain Supercup. The duel ended with a score of 1-1.

Pedri He was replaced in the minute 90, and finally it would be the penalties that would dictate a sentence in favor of the Barça.

Tras la Real society in semis, the grand final would come against Athletic de Bilbao, where the 'lions' came out winners by also winning in an extension by 2-3.

With the selection more of the same

A continuación, la Copa de Rey would be the stage where Pedri I would live others 3 overtime more dressed as a blaugrana against rivals like Cornellá, Granada y Sevilla. No obstante, before the people of Seville he did not participate in those 30 extra minutes.

End of the season at club level, the good of Pedri headed for the Eurocopa to fight with España for returning said team to the highest competitive level in a great tournament. The truth is that he achieved it, but with three other new extensions against Croacia, Swiss e Italia.

Already eliminated from the 'Euro' in the semis at the hands of the Italians, The Canarian player had no rest and migrated to the Juegos Olímpicos to fight for gold. In fact, reached the final with the Spanish national team, eso sí, with their respective extensions before Ivory Coast, Japan y Brasil. Faced with the latter, España lost and, por tanto, had to settle for the silver medal.

Madrid y, otra vez, Athletic have been the last two protagonists

As expected, este 2022 I also had to start with extensions for a Pedri who has completed this saga (that will still grow) adding two more: one in front of Real Madrid en la Spain Supercup, and another before him Athletic de Bilbao en la Copa del Rey. In both, el Barça was taken down.

Carlos Garrido

Behind every pass, regattas, stop and goal there is always a story, and I like to write. Follow me on @carlos_vianos
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