What about football in Palencia?

¿Qué pasa con el fútbol en Palencia?

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Many confuse it with Valencia, above all, those who are from outside Spain similar product of its writing and sound. Few know of it found in Castilla y León, what's wrong with it 82.000 habitantes. Still less that it is a few 47 kilometers from Valladolid and thanks so close, both are the two closest capitals in Spain province something that allows you to benefit from vallisoletanas level facilities airport or AVE.

Yes, We talk about Palencia, one of the most unknown cities in Spain, the deep Spain. In full plateau, its cold winters and dry summers relate to a province where he also plays football and very regularly. Quizás, so common practice is his big problem. in Palencia, There are many strong teams and none, something that undermines the existence of a strong partnership with chances of reaching one day to the most elite of Spanish football.

El Palencia CF desapareció al no ayudar las instituciones públicas al club con 200.000 euros.
CF Palencia disappeared not help public institutions to the club 200.000 euros.

Piques between neighborhoods are common and economic problems our daily bread. Athletic Christ is today the star set, located in the Third Division, It represents the district of the same name. Set humble created in 1987, He has never even reached the Second B.

One thing that made the big club in the province, sadly disappeared this summer, CF Palencia, urgeed unable to pay 200.000 euros of debt was around half million euros. The most popular of the city and that late 70 and beginning of 80 for four years he relished the Second Division, it is included, in the year 83 He stayed one step up to First Division.

A great success for a province that has 17 players in the top flight, among them, Mariano disappeared Martin (a famous player of the year 40 del Barcelona) or the current Sergio Asenjo, Villarreal goalkeeper and one of the biggest promises of the Spanish goal ahead of the coming years.

Clearly an X-ray of footballing Palencia demands to speak of the New Balastera, Municipal Stadium opened in 2006 capable 8.000 spectators. A charming and cozy room in which currently plays Athletic Christ and has seen two games of the Under-21. A work of 18 million euros that, sin duda, palentino and deserves a team in Second Division.

La Nueva Balastera es el estadio más grande de Palencia.
New Balastera is the largest stadium in Palencia.

palentinos players who have played in the First Division:

1.- Jesús Landáburu Sahuquillo, Guardo born in the 24/01/1955. 332 parties and 54 goles, between seasons 1977-1978 y 1987-1988 at Rayo Vallecano, Barcelona and Atlético de Madrid.
2.- Isacius Calleja García, He born in Valle de Cerrato 06/12/1936. 300 parties and 6 goals between seasons 1958-1959 y 1971-1972 at Atlético de Madrid.
3.- José Luis Sierra Mediavilla, Alba she born in the Cardaños (Velilla del Río Carrión) el 07/12/1965. 222 parties and 2 goals between seasons 1987-1988 y 1997-1998 Sporting and Merida.
4.- Rufinus Requejo Martín, Herrera de Pisuerga born in the 13/03/1949. 132 parties and 14 goals between seasons 1971-1972 y 1976-1977 in Burgos and Malaga.
5.- Mariano Martín Alonso, Dueñas born in the 20/10/1919. 130 parties and 106 goals between seasons 1939-1940 y 1948-1949 in Barcelona and “disgusting” de Tarragona.
6.- Antonio Sangrador Sañudo, Toni, born in Palencia 27/01/1922. 75 parties and 23 goals between seasons 1946-1947 y 1949-1950 in Sabadell and Real Madrid.
7.- Jesus Angel López González, born in Palencia 04/10/1962. 69 parties and 1 scored between seasons 1984-1985 y 1989-1990 in Valladolid.
8.- Sergio Asenjo Andrés, born in Palencia 28/06/1989. 69 matches between seasons 2007-2008 y 2011-2012 in Valladolid, el Atlético de Madrid, Malaga and Villarreal.
9.- Froilan Maldonado Monk, born in Villapún (Santervas de la Vega) el 02/10/1956. 62 matches between seasons 1983-1984 y 1985-1986 in Spanish.
10.- Fernando Redondo Barcenilla, born in Renedo de la Vega 14/04/1944. 41 parties and 8 goals between seasons 1967-1968 y 1969-1970 in Sevilla.
11.- Emilio González Morán, Panchulo, born in Palencia 02/12/1941. 35 matches between seasons 1968-1969 y 1972-1973 en el Valencia, the Granada and Sporting.
12.- Jesús Aguilar Rodríguez, born in Monzón de Campos 15/09/1942. 27 matches between seasons 1963-1964 y 1972-1973 in Valladolid and Deportivo La Coruna.
13.- Juan José Rodríguez Aguado, Juanjo, born in Palencia 15/05/1973. 9 parties and 1 goal of the season 1994-1995 the Logroñés.
14.- Virgilio Watery Ribote, born in Palencia 19/09/1932. 5 parties and 1 goal of the season 1959-1960 in Las Palmas.
15.- Jose Luis Martín Ortega, Dueñas born in the 03/04/1953. 5 games in the season 1973-1974 in Granada.
16.- Pedro Fernando Arquero Rodríguez, born in Palencia 02/09/1973. 3 games in the season 1994-1995 in Valladolid.
17.- angel Manuel Women the driver, born in Palencia 11/08/1972. 1 game season 1990-1991 in Valladolid.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in Colgadosporelfutbol.com and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982


One thought on “What about football in Palencia?

  1. the problem is they are leaving palentina kill the city at the expense of a few who want to live peacefully and steady paycheck for life.

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