The footballer who ate a suppository

El futbolista que se comió un supositorio
The player who ate a suppository. PHOTOMONTAGE: Hanged by football

Last update 7 March, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Can you imagine eating a suppository? Sometimes the lack of information can be very harmful to your health and especially to your self-image.. The best example could be that of the footballer Cicero Ramalho, a peculiar type. And is that the Brazilian striker, He played for Real Murcia and Levante OUT in Second and Second B although he is not remembered for his skills on the field, they were not few for a category of second level. Unfortunately for him, he is remembered for having the unfortunate idea of ​​eating a suppository.

Cicero Ramalho, the footballer who ate a suppository

And is that in 1989, when I joined the ranks of Real Murcia, They were prescribed suppositories by infection. El brasileño, possibly he believed that was a date, it swallowed without thinking twice, causing gastroenteritis that had three days locked in the bathroom. Después, He argued that he had eaten because the area of ​​Brazil where she lived, I had never seen one in his life and thought that was consumed orally.

This caused a flurry of laughter and jocular comments psychically affected the good Ramalho all is said, He had the good fortune that the incident occurred in the late 80 and not today, in the XXI century where social networks have cast smoke and various jokes memes. But Brazil is a peculiar kind where there, He had to go back to the note. En 2007, con 42 años, he returned to play in the Baraunas, a modest Brazilian team. Con 103 kg de peso, scored goals and all for a bet with the president of the club. A phenomenon that left forever this anecdote as curious as equally absurd.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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