Rommel Fernández left too early

Rommel Fernández se marchó demasiado pronto

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Do you remember Rommel Fernandez?. In football in the 90's, Spanish League came to a Panamanian player who at the time was a local star, So they said at that time it was even better known than the president of Panama. With his trademark mustache, reached the center forward he would reach the hearts of the fans of the clubs where he played, for his talent and the way he left this world, possibly the best time of your life. But we split.

Panama front, he played in the league in the ranks of the Tenerife, Valencia and Albacete. Born a 15 of January of 1966, Rommel came to play in Tenerife 1989 and he remained there until 1991, It is the reference and the star of the team chicharrero, with which he ascended to First Division and which gave authentic afternoons of glory. This led him to sign for Valencia, por 300 millions of old pesetas, where did not have much luck and did not get or play a lot and of course score goals. Precisamente, Valencia gave him Albacete, where Rommel regained his best scoring 7 goals in 14 parties.

Rommel fue uno de esos jugadores que dejaron huella en los 90. Foto:
Rommel was one of those players who left their mark on the 90. Foto:

At that moment, Rommel, He was an idol in his country and was a fixture in your selection, participating in the qualifiers for USA94. But bad luck was to cross on their way, el 6 de mayo de 1993, Albacete on a highway a tree would mow his life. According to witnesses have as his cousin who was traveling with him in the car, the player, He came to eat with several companions when on a side street but totally straight, the player left to end flush against a tree.

Rommel died in the traffic accident, Crashing his Toyota Celica of the time and leaving this world at its best, thus passing to the list of legends that they left before their time. In his country, the football stadium where he plays the selection of Panama, It is named in honor of one of the best players who has never given that country. Another story of an elite athlete who disappeared at the time of your life dramatically.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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