Top football pictures taken at the right time II

Top de fotos de fútbol tomadas en el momento justo II

Last update 19 November, 2018 por Alberto Llopis

As we tell the Part I of top football pictures taken at the right time, football always leaves on the retina of the fans curious images and even funny. We bring them to our Part II.

fotos curiosas de futbol 11
capello It certainly was aware of all the details before the match.
fotos curiosas de futbol 7
Jara underwent a prostate exam free Cavani.


fotos curiosas de futbol 6
Come here truhán! This he must have said to Gary Neville Scholes then plant a kiss the redhead movie player. Valencia did not have much affection for the good of Gary.
fotos graciosas de futbol 6
He wanted to ask his shirt but did not know how.
fotos de futbol curiosas 3
It is important to check that everything is in place.
Maradona y Julio Alberto contra la droga...o eso decía la camiseta.
Maradona and Julio Alberto against drugs…or so said the shirt.
Barthez tenía un apuro que arregló rápidamente sobre el césped.
Barthez had trouble quickly settled on the lawn.
En el campo siempre se tiene que estar elegante.
In the field must always be stylish.


Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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