Lightning is about to cost an upset on the plane of the Italian national football team

Un rayo a punto está de costar un disgusto al avión de la selección italiana de fútbol
Lightning is about to cost an upset on the plane of the Italian national football team

Last update 20 March, 2013 por Julio Muñoz

Lightning struck the plane in which the Italian national football team was traveling on Wednesday without serious consequences when it was about to land at Geneva airport, Swiss city where tomorrow he plans to play a friendly match against Brazil.

As reported in its digital edition by the Italian sports newspaper “La Gazzetta dello Sport”, the Alitalia airline charter flight in which Cesare Prandelli's team was traveling was able to land without problems at the Swiss airfield around 18.30 hora local (17.30 GMT), despite the fright that the passengers took. The lightning struck the plane while it was making the approach maneuvers to the runway amid the clouds that covered the Swiss city this Wednesday and its glare and the roar that accompanied it generated panic among the passengers, including Italian internationals.

The crew members immediately reassured the plane's occupants, especially since there were no complications in the landing, y, once on land, the pilot gave an account of what happened, assuring Italian players that the situation had always been under control. “Of course it has not been pleasant and I challenge anyone to say ”I have not been afraid””, commented Prandelli upon arrival in Geneva to the journalists accompanying the selection. “Has this ever happened to me?, but never that strong”, added the selector, who had taken off this afternoon with his players from Florence (central Italy), from the concentration of “azzurra”. Italian midfielder Claudio Marchisio also commented on what happened through his account on the social network Twitter, where he rated the event as a “good scare”.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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