A bottle of vodka before every game as a ritual for victory

Una botella de vodka antes de cada partido como ritual para la victoria
The coach and sports director of the Bucharest Steaua have a curious ritual before games. Foto: thefinalball.com

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Oddly enough in the XXI century, manias and superstitions are part of the usual ritual of players and coaches not only at the amateur level but also to professionals. There are all kinds and colors, from entering the field with a set foot, make different gestures, cut socks, underwear wear one color or another and even downing a bottle of vodka before a game. At least this is what the coach and sporting director Steaua Bucharest, Romanian side that is credited with a European Cup.

Laurentiu Reghecampf, club coach and sporting director, a tribute to stick vodka before every game as a way to win games. Both believe that this particular activity promotes good luck, following a victory achieved in Zurich in Europa League. It may seem absurd but certain that both access to good taste to do it because without going further Steaua has won only one match, drawing four and losing three of the last who has played.

Steaua club owner, George Becali, He expressed surprise at those practices that were revealed by a former club. In a statement to the average English name The Sun, He acknowledged that “are strange things happened between those two”, on the habits of technical and sporting director. Surely they begin to create school.

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