Mundial 1978: Argentina-Peru, ¿mito o realidad?

Mundial 1978: Argentina-Perú, ¿mito o realidad?
The Argentina-Peru World Cup 1978 celebrated in the Argentine territory itself, It was a match that came under suspicion. FOTO: Google

Last update 29 November, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

El Mundial de 1978 in Argentina was marked in history under the shadow of suspicion. The championship held in the South American country then plunged into a dictatorship, He led all doubts and legends around like Argentina, host country clinched victory.

In full time of Videla dictatorship, the Argentine country had been designated as the seat of the Mundial 78, which it meant a golden opportunity for the regime to publicize the virtues of the South American state. Myth or reality the truth is that the 21 de junio de 1978 will forever remain in the annals of football history for thea suspected thrashed by 6-0 from Argentina to Peru

The Argentina-Peru World Cup 1978 always under suspicion

With a brilliant team led by Mario Alberto Kempes y Daniel Pasarella in the countryside, Cesar Luis Menotti and commanding operations from the bench, Argentina, sin embargo, He was not responding to the expectations and his career was being more than irregular.

After finishing the first phase second in their group behind Italy, the Argentinians were framed with Poland, Brazil and Peru in the second round (in that tournament semifinals and was not the first group went directly to the final). After winning the Poles 2-0 on the first day of the second phase, and tying 0 with Brazil, access to the final game depended on a victory by four or more goals against Peru, last group and no longer possibilities.

Sin embargo, not going to be four, until six goals that Argentina was going to make the Andean. With the stadium Lisandro de la Torre of Rosario booked solid, the break ended with a 2-0 which promised a sequel filled with emotion after two Peruvian sticks. In resuming, no opposition from the defensive line ( No goals Argentines lost) It was more than evident that enabled the Argentinians round out the scoring with four goals more, that gave the pass to the final to Argentina.

The match was marked forever

The consequences of the party as it could not be otherwise were tremendous. A sporting level, Argentina qualified for the final for, who would win Holland. At the political level, 15 days after finishing the World, Argentina's military junta donated 35.000 tons of wheat grain to Peru, along with thawing the credit line 50 millones de dólares. The links to Condor Plan (which it aimed to help the Latin American dictatorships of the time) They were more important.

On a personal level, Roberto Rojas, title defense at that meeting and deputy general rule, strangely he died after a car accident when he crashed his car into a pole. same bad fortune, He was the coach of that team, Marcos Calderon, I saw lost his life after falling the plane in which he was. Accidents or not, the truth is that he could never prove that that meeting was rigged. Sin embargo, The series of circumstances that surrounded the meeting gave and will give people talk for many years and marked the Argentina-Peru of the World Cup 1978 forever.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982


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