Five things you should know about a Eibar First

Cinco cosas que deberías de saber sobre un Eibar de Primera

Last update 26 May, 2014 por Julio Muñoz

Eibar First Division team will be next. Gunsmith set thus becomes the 60th club that will play the top flight of Spanish football. Fundado en 1940 and having two straight chained promotions, There are five essential data that any football fan should know about the Basque club.

1- Eibar is a municipality of Guipúzcoa which has 27.000 habitantes, a apenas 42 kilometers of Bilbao and 50 San Sebastian. Your stadium, Ipurua, con más de 65 years of history, has the capacity to 5.240 people but to enter deeply remodeled Primera they shall therefore required at least 15.000 seats and 10 and radio booths 3 for television. Además, the municipality will have the honor of being the smallest of history in First, surpassing the 34.000 Almendralejo people or 51.000 Vila-real.

2- Jota Peleteiro is the star of a team yes you have foreigners in their ranks (unlike the Athletic) and draws on many players from different geographical areas other than those of the Basque Country. His dress is Barca since the Guipuzcoan Football Federation gave the eibarreses in 1944 a fully equipped Futbol Club Barcelona were playing for.

Los jugadores del Eibar celebran su ascenso a Primera.
Eibar players celebrate their promotion to.

3- A story very important. Despite not having never been to First, through the ranks of the Eibar they have passed players like David Silva, Xabi Alonso, Almunia, by iraiz, Admit it, Leisure, Discharge, Krmon, Luis Prieto, manel, Rivera, Jankovic, Jon Cortina, Karabeg, Lediakov, First class, moisés, Olano, Guerrero Txefe, Uncle Mateo, Loina, Joseba Llorente, Mario Bermejo, Pizo Gomez, Gaizka Toquero tone or.

4- Eibar has been 25 years in Second Division and 6 in the Second B. Never in First, sin embargo, it will be in 2014-15 if it gets out alive from a capital increase hanging by a thread. At present, It has a registered capital 400.000 euros and needs to reach the 2.146.000 euros. If it is not done, They will go down to Second B, with which it has launched a campaign throughout the province in search of the necessary capital.

Ipurúa es el estadio del Eibar. Tiene capacidad para menos de 6.000 espectadores.
Ipurua is the stage of the Eibar. Sleeps less than 6.000 spectators.

5- En 1990 celebrated its 50 years tying 1 with Ajax in a friendly match. En 2001, ganó 2-1 to Atletico Madrid in the league match of the Second Division. En 2007, played one Cup tie against Real Madrid in which he was eliminated.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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