Five stories and anecdotes of the European Day

Cinco historias y anécdotas de la jornada europea

Last update 6 October, 2013 por Julio Muñoz

Next week the teams take center stage in the world of football. Sin embargo, the first weekend of October still gave us strong emotions at club level. We review them below in our weekly review of the best stories and anecdotes of the major European leagues.

1- Barcelona and Atlético strong, Real Madrid not so much. Barcelona continues to lead after beating Valladolid 4-1 with a splendid Neymar and a great Alexis. The same as Atlético, who with a new double from Diego Costa is still tied on points with those of Tata Martino. Sin embargo, the match of the day was the one played by Levante and Real Madrid and which ended with a white victory in the last minute after a discreet match by the madridistas who did not deserve to win. And is that discount time, first Morata and then Cristiano turned a marker that threatened to leave Ancelotti's men out of action. Excellent, also the Villarreal that aims to Champions. Valencia and Athletic tied to one.

Diego Costa marcó un doblete y es el máximo goleador de la Liga.
Diego Costa scored a double and is the league's top scorer.

2- No top three win. The Bundesliga lived a new day that again did not bring a draw to 0 y from 110 without doing it. Bayern Munich did not go from a draw to 1 against Bayern Leverkusen, stumble that Borussia Dortmund did not take advantage of, which fell 2-0 against the other Borussia de Mönchengladbach for 2-0 reaping his first defeat in the competition. Quizás, Guardiola's men were more thinking about the party that accompanies the city than about the party itself.

The Oktoberfest in Munich is intensely lived at Bayern.

3- Favorites do not fail. The greats of the Premier did not fail on the seventh day. City managed to inflict Everton the first defeat of the season by 3-1 with goals from Negredo and Agüero. United won 1-2 to Sunderland and Liverpool to Crystal Palace for 3-1 with Luis Suárez and Sturridge in starring role. Chelsea did not fail in their visit to Norwich with Mata as the starter. Although the leader, Arsenal is still one more match, quien, sin embargo, I do not pass the tie. Por cierto, Michu is finally international, even at the cost of David Villa's injury.

Negredo y Agüero forman una pareja atacante de moda.
Negredo and Agüero form a fashionable attacking couple.

4- Monaco continues to lead. In France, The big news aside from a new victory for Monaco without goals this time by Riviere or Falcao was the bulky defeat of Lyon against Montpellier by 5-1 that leaves the former Ligue champions 1 closer to relegation places than Europe. El PSG, meanwhile, won in the always difficult field of the Vélodrome de Marseille by 1-2 despite playing with ten for more than 60 minutos.

5- The Rome, unstoppable. In Italy, follow Roma with a firm step after strolling through 0-3 at Inter's house. With Totti's double included that calls out his call with Italy for the next World Cup, the Roman team are two points ahead of Naples, who beat Livorno without difficulty. The big game of the day, was yet, el Juve 3- Milán 2, where Muntari's two goals were not enough for the rossonero team to add a point.

Totti marcó un doblete en San Siro.
Totti scored a double at San Siro.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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