Five players who have not played in the first round of the League

Last update 10 September, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

He finished the first round of the Spanish League. With better or worse luck, teams ended the first stage of the season 2015/16. A stage was also much better for some players than others, especially for those who have not played a single minute all season. There are many cases, you have five.

Jugadores que no han jugado en la primera vuelta

1-Diego Alves (Valencia)

The case of Valencia goalkeeper was clear. After his serious injury in the last game of the season 2014/15, Brazilian goalkeeper can not debut throughout the first round of the League. Apart from the terrible injury he suffered ligament and meniscus, Brazilian he has left another problem, la tremenda irrupción de Jaume Domenech quien ha sostenido a su equipo en la primera vuelta. Possibly without the Almenara between the sticks, It would be in an even more worrying situation which has lived in the first round. Cuando esté al 100% will be difficult to recover the goal of his team.

2-Medunjanin (Deportivo de la Coruña)

The Bosnian has not played a single minute throughout the first half of the season 2015/16. He started the season 2014/15 as a starter but with the arrival of Victor was losing ground to completely lose confidence in the technical and not play a single minute in an all round. Two matches League Cup and zero is their background in 6 months of competition.

3-Juan Muñoz (Sevilla)

Sevilla's player seemed to have a very interesting projection which made this season was expected to progressively counting minutes. Sin embargo, Emery has not had the young striker a minute throughout the first lap leaving zero your stats. You should seek a transfer to accumulate minutes.

4-Lucas Hernandez (Atlético de Madrid)

The young center played important matches in the Cup 2014/15 as he played against Real Madrid. With a good projection, Simeone was expected to give him a minute this season. At the moment, only matches against Hospitalet in Copa and little else. League matches zero minutes and zero. Closely follow several teams.

5-Asdrubal Padrón (The Palms)

Fixed in League Cup and forgotten. The front case is curious. Despite its good performance in the competition KO where he has accumulated many minutes and even marked, has failed to find the door of title or scratch out any minute as a substitute in the entire first round of the League. It is one of the many players who have not played in the first round of the League.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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