Five fights in a football field

Cinco peleas en un campo de fútbol

Last update 31 July, 2014 por Alberto Llopis

Pepe and Keita staged a fact unthinkable in a friendly match. Mali player, She denied him the greeting to the Portuguese player in the friendly faced Real Madrid against Roma in USA. El motivo, was an old pique when Keita played for Barcelona , where it seems to be, he and Pepe were more words. Años después, the fact worsened when the Portuguese player of Real Madrid responded unfortunate refusal to salute the African spitting manner which in turn threw a bottle on'Pepe. As frictions are common in football, in Colgados you have five fights on a football field.

1-Maradona and the end of 1984

At the beginning of the season 1983/84, Andoni Goikoetxea, Athletic Bilbao defense made history in a way that sure did not like. In a brutal entry, He injured a young Diego Armando Maradona at that time in the ranks of Barça. this entry, It costs the Basque defense Butcher nickname Bilbao. At the end of that same season, the final of Copa del Rey again faced both teams. The fuzz, justice by his hand was taken and at the end the players of both teams were beaten on the grass in a monumental tangana.

Maradona busco venganza en la final de Copa de 1984 y la cosa acabó así.
Maradona sought revenge in Cup final 1984 and the thing ended well.

2-Peñarol and Nacional in 2014

The two teams the They bundled in the Uruguayan classic 2014. A brutal input the minute 78 Carlos Nuñez , Penarol player Guillermo de los Santos, National player, It provoked a fight unknown dimensions on a football field. Estoyanoff, former Valencia player among other Spanish teams, He ended up hitting a forehand to a rival player and the thing was such, several players ended up in the hands of justice.

Peñarol y Nacional acabaron a golpes.
Penarol and Nacional finished beating.

3-Diogo and Luis Fabiano in 2007

The Three Wise Men 2007 They should have brought coal and Diogo Luis Fabiano had known what these two guys were going to make a day after Their Majesties will leave for East. Romareda witnessed a confrontation esperpento between two players who left the League shaken for a few days. Uruguayan side of Zaragoza and Sevilla's Brazilian striker clashed after the game in a bout of street boxing. grabs, headbutts, insults and punches in an action which resulted in a penalty of five games without playing for both players. Pero sin lugar a dudas, but the sanction will be the image of both players sticking like two boxers bad. Hopefully it will not happen anymore for the good of football.

Diogo y Luis Fabiano acabaron a golpes en una pelea lamentable.
Diogo Luis Fabiano and eventually to death in a pitiful fight.

4-América y Chivas de Guadalajara en 1983

The rivalry between these two Mexican stripe sets madness, so much, that during the 80 They came to blows in fights impressive and unbecoming of a football match. En 1983, things got out of hand and the game ended with an exchange of blows between players and outsiders. Shameful.

5-América y Chivas de Guadalajara en 1986

We have not gone crazy or have repeated simply happened so. Yes in 1983 Bast good they were in 1986 They are not going to be left behind. Same equipment and similar situation, hits, kicks and violence to give and take.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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