Own goals door most memorable football history

Los goles en propia puerta más recordados de la historia del fútbol
Woodgate's debut for Real Madrid was like passing through the white club. Disastrous.

Last update 31 July, 2014 por Julio Muñoz

Shove a own goal often means misery for tremendous for its author. Throughout the history of football they have been many players who have had the misfortune of scoring an own goal. From Hanged For Football, We remember the loudest cases and had more impact:

1- Andres Escobar: During World US, Colombian Andres Escobar had the misfortune to be an own goal that opened the doors of the defeat of Colombia to USA. It was a bad clearing a 22 de junio de 1994, Rose Bowl in Los Angeles, to be exact, which brought fatal only ten days later. And it is that he 2 July of that year he was assassinated in his own country. Nothing had served his words relativizing the error and noting that "life does not end here". Nada más lejos de la realidad.


2- Jonathan Woodgate: en la temporada 2004-05 Real Madrid was reinforced with a central defense of guarantees from the British Isles. Or so at least it seemed. His first season could not get worse: No party disputed as a result of incessant injuries. It was expected, well, to September 2005 to debut at San Mamés. Nor the worst of his enemies could have designed a premiere as well: own goal and expulsion. Woodgate not take long to leave the White orbit.


3- Dauphin Geli: play a European final and lose it must be terrible. Moreover if it has done in overtime. But worse than all, It should be fit goal with three minutes to end the match. Especially if it is an own goal and you're the protagonist. That happened to Delfi Geli season 2000-2001 when he militated rows Alaves.


4- Zunzunegui: If sneak an own goal in a European final is a bad dream, what to say in a classic. That happened to Zunzunegui at the end of the Copa del Generalissimo 1966 played at the Santiago Bernabéu. White fullback had the misfortune to his people and his love false clear a ball that ended in his net and assumed the title travel to Barcelona. A full-fledged villain as it would 24 years after the central Balkan famous Pedrag Spasic, who would dishonor marked another own goal.


5- Andoni Zubizarreta: They have written rivers of ink on the World 1998 and this terrible mistake. But it would be unfair to obviate although many hurts. Spain came to France with a team full of stars and thought to win the championship. Apparently an easy debut against Nigeria should be the first stone on the road. Con 2-1 on the scoreboard thing going according to script. Until Zubizarreta decided to change the course of the film and convert a center in an own goal. Di Stefano said that every doorman asked him to at least not tuck which went out. In June 1998, Andoni Zubizarreta he ignored.


6- Franck Queudrue: perhaps it inspired by the transfer of Sanchis to Buyo in Tenerife back in 1992, Franck Queudrue scored one of the most spectacular own goals that are remembered Bastia-Lens in the French league 2001. A shot 35 meters that went into the goal goalkeeper to the delight of his rivals.


Note by FIFA.COM: Stan Van Den Buijs He is the only player to achieve a hat trick own goal in the league visit to his team Anderlecht, el Germinal Ekeren (3-2), in the course 1995/96. Además, it should be noted that is considered own goal when the player inserts a ball that goes into the net own goal

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in Colgadosporelfutbol.com and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982


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