Do you know Jordi Xumetra?

¿Conoces a Jordi Xumetra?

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Power, velocidad, overflow and sacrifice. These four qualities could define perfection football Jordi Xumetra. The current player of the Levant, He stands out as a dynamic player, one end of the old way, of those who would stick to the lime and there did their game. Fans of Girona, Elche and Levante, the teams he has played, They know that we are talking. For the rest of the fans is that quick player who causes headaches for defenses. Today we walked the La Liga and we present Jordi Xumetra. ¿Lo conoces?.

Nacido en 1985, in L`Estartit, Cataluña, un 24 de octubre de 1985, we could talk about a player who has struggled to reach the elite. He passed quarries Barcelona or Espanyol and played for Figueres, but it was in Girona where he excelled and reached professional football. With the rojiblanco, He ascended to Second Division and signed several seasons of merit in the silver category. Esto, He drew the attention of the Elche who joined in 2010 to also play in the second tier of Spanish football.

En el Girona comenzó su camino a la élite.
In Girona began his way to the elite.

With the set ilicitano, He played three seasons where he was one of the best players of the team Martinez Valero. In his first season, they stood at the gates of the ascent after losing in the final Playoff game against the Granada. Finally, after two seasons, en el verano del 2013, Elche won promotion to the First Division, thanks in part to the contribution of Xumetra that left six goals, some of them very beautiful invoice and plenty of races for the band, assists and plays electric.

Xumetra fue pieza fundamental del Elche del ascenso.
Xumetra was instrumental in the promotion of Elche.

Such was his career that Levante, watchful, He signed him in January, six months after the conclusion of his contract, taking a pearl for free without paying transfer. He debuted with granotas the rout suffered in Barcelona in August 2013 and he has since completed a very good lap from either of the two bands attack the set prepared by Joaquin Caparros. In his first round as a player of the Levant and by extension, playing First Division, I was not disappointed.

Jordi Xumetra debutó en Primera División frente al Barça.
Jordi Xumetra debut in First Division against Barca.

How and what we define the beginning, This is a player of enormous dynamism, with a change of pace seated able to stop any defense. Its strong lower body, It makes being a power player with a snatch of great strength. Además, It has a good shot, what helps him finish his plays satisfactorily. He is a player, with conditions that in a league with a type of football such as the Premier League, would enjoy more than an amateur English. This is an interesting player who as always, from Hanged, We follow carefully.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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