When Clemente and Villar were players

Cuando Clemente y Villar eran jugadores

Last update 4 October, 2013 por Julio Muñoz

Javier Clemente and Angel Maria Villar have passed and are passing football history for his work as trainer / coach and president of the Spanish Football Federation. Clemente is now the current coach of Libya but his hands have passed the Spanish selection (92-98), Serbia and Cameroon.

That talking about national teams as the list of clubs that feature directed Athletic Bilbao (with got the famous League and Cup double 1984), el Real Betis, el Sporting de Gijón, el Real Murcia, Valladolid, Real society, Atletico among others…Villar is president of the RFEF from 1988.

Sin embargo, leaving aside these charges,its beginnings in soccer were marked by their careers as players. For Javi Clemente was the most singular. Lefty refined interior with master class was a long pass and hanging balls to the area. Good dribbling and overflow its vision of football as a player was antagonistic to technical. Athletic Bilbao great promise, his career was cut short to 19 years because of an injury that made him go through surgery five times. It was international sub 21 and sub 23 and he got to dispute 47 First games, but in 1975 I had to hang up his boots crunching tackle not exceed that of Marañon in the match against Sabadell season 79-80.

Clemente se retiró con 25 años y 47 partidos en Primera.
Clement retired with 25 years and 47 First games.

Villar did have a long sporting life. He was a teammate of Clemente Javi (sharing of year of birth, Both of 1950) for six seasons and after passing into the ranks of Galdakao Getxo and consumed a season ten Athletic. There he played 361 games and scored 11 goles, that allowed him to be international and win two league titles and one Copa. Disciplined and fighter, He was famous for his honor and for their dedication and also as not that terrible attack on the star of the moment, Johan Cruyff, that went around the world. A apercut in the face that threw down the tulip star.

Villar fue expulsado por dar un puñetazo a Cruyff que acabó con el holandés en el suelo.
Villar was sent off for Cruyff to punch that ended the Dutch on the floor.

Disparadero both in their attitudes and behaviors to press and fans, What is clear is that few now remember their presence on the pitch.

Así contó la prensa el incidente con Cruyff.
And told reporters the incident with Cruyff.


Two photos for remembrance:

Villar fue jugador del Athletic diez temporadas.
Villar played for ten seasons Athletic.
Javi podía ser cualquier compañero de clase pelirrojo que uno tuvo siempre de pequeño.
Javi could be any red-haired companion class that you always had small.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in Colgadosporelfutbol.com and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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