What color was the horse of the White Horse Final?

¿ De qué color era el equino de la final del caballo blanco?

Last update 24 March, 2014 por Alberto Llopis

Hanging by the Football recalls the final mythical white horse, the first match played at the old Wembley. The legendary London stadium opened to house the 28 de abril de 1923 the final of the FA Cup disputing the Bolton Wanderers and West Ham United.

Created with capacity for 125.000 personas, expectations to see the final were so high, until about 300.000 fans gathered at Wembley gave in to try to keep the game under the watchful gaze of King George V. The high concentration of fans turned out logically impossible to cover what caused that thousands of spectators environment will be grouped at the grass because of the difficulty to stand in the stands.

La final del caballo blanco fue el primer partido disputado en Wembley.
The end of the white horse was the first match played at Wembley.

The first contested final at Wembley was a acontecimiento.El disorder was so great that police on horseback had to act to prevent blood reached the river. Within this group of horses trotted out by guards, one was white, Billie name turned out to be the post of the meeting because of its spectacular beauty and its contrast with the rest of equines.

Thanks to the performance of this and many other, escamparse and the crowd got to start the game with a delay 45 minutos. Already started the match, This had to be suspended at the minute 11 before a new flood of fans, some of whom were injured. Sin embargo, the performance of the horse and the police reponsable him, George Storey, avoided greater evils.

Finally, The meeting could end with victory for Bolton 2-0 thanks to a starring David Jack. The consequences of the game were different, since the 900 leves injured party, They served to improve access to stadiums and establish the first security measures in the fields. The new Wembley, in memory of the event, He established a pedestrian bridge called “White horse bridge” in order to sensitize people to good behavior at the entrances to the soccer fields.

El puente de Wembley en honor al caballo blanco.
Wembley bridge in honor of the white horse.

PD: by the way, white horse was not such, it was gray. What happened was that being the media of the time in black and white, their appearance appeared to be white, when Billie was actually gray tone.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in Colgadosporelfutbol.com and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982


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