Blue Ballet, the Millionaires team that swept Europe and America in the 50

El Ballet Azul, el equipo de Millonarios que barrió en Europa y América en los 50
The legendary Blue Ballet of Millonarios with Alfredo Di Stéfano. FOTO: Millionaires of Bogotá

Last update 21 May, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

You know the history of the Blue Ballet, the team that dominated football at the beginning of the 50? In an era where European football had not yet dominated, and not even Argentina or Brazil, a team stood out as the best in the world: Millionaires of Bogotá, Colombia. Founded on 18 de junio de 1946, This club reached the top of world football in record time. Alfonso Senior Quevedo, its visionary founder, played a fundamental role in the rapid rise of Millonarios, especially during the beginnings of the Colombian league, that were developed in 1948.

Don Alfredo Di Stéfano, the star of the Ballet Azul de Millonarios de Bogotá

A crucial part of this dizzying rise was the hiring of renowned Argentine stars, partly due to the soccer players' strike in Argentina and the economic power of its president. The turning point came with the arrival of the Argentine Carlos Aldabe as player-coach, who paved the way to sign Adolfo Pedernera, lo que, at the same time, influenced the hiring of nestor rossi y Alfredo Di Stéfano. En total, Up to eight Argentines made up one of the most talented squads in the history of football.

This exceptional team, nicknamed the “ballet azul” for its uniform and its plethora of stars, he shone in all fields for five years (1949-1954). In the Colombian league, They won four league titles in just five years, plus a glass of Colombia. They set seemingly unbreakable records, like an undefeated streak 24 parties and 17 consecutive wins. His style, influenced by Argentina, It was characterized by touch and short play. The shot and the goal were Di Stéfano's hallmark.

A team that was already crossing the ocean at that time

The success of Millonarios transcended Colombia, and the team was invited to participate in numerous tournaments and friendlies in Argentina, Brazil and Europe. On a European tour, en las Real Madrid's Silver Anniversary (30 de marzo de 1952), They left an indelible mark by beating Real Madrid by 4-2. This match marked the beginning of Alfredo Di Stéfano's relationship with Real Madrid, since he impressed Santiago Bernabéu so much that the Madrid president decided to sign him.

En 1953, Millionaires won the Small Club World Cup, equivalent to the current Club World Cup. This achievement marked the zenith of a team that left the world amazed with its style of play.. The stadiums were filled to see the “ballet azul”, that earned the title of best team of the time by far.

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